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[英语学习] Why no one understands your English/为什么没有人懂得你的英语 (中英对照)

发表于 2007-12-21 13:08:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
你有可能记得整本字典,如果当你说英语的时候没有人听得懂,那所有的单字都是没用的!如果你感到挫败是因为你知道你使用正确的单字或句子结构,但是必须重覆三或四次在你懂之前,那你并不孤独。 有很多人英文很好,但是他们是和非以英文为母语的老师学习,他们和以英文为母语的老师练习英文,及他们从不曾到过一个英文国家。他们的文法和字汇或许很好,但是他们很难让人理解他们的意思。 问题出在于缺乏正确的说话练习。如果在你课堂的每一个人-包括你的老师-知道拼音及字汇的意思但是错误的发音就像是母音那会让你完全难以理解。 这里有几些方式可以使你说话的时候就像一位以英文为母语的人不需要面对面说话一样。有2种普遍的使用方法:看英文电影及听英文广播。然后,等你自己纪录后及比较一下从录音带里和电影中或是广播里听到的。 当你在听和录音的时候是很普遍,而且帮助也很大,无须对照得到的反馈和从真的外籍教师得到帮助。但是这并不是你第一个问题?不是通往说本族语的人? 不那么快。透过网路你有很多机会可以与以英语为母语的人练习。如果你有耳机和麦克风,网路你就可以听影像聊天室。但是这些通常不是让人很感兴趣在于帮助你改善发音。 一个比较好的选择就是其中一个线上英语学校。透过Englishtown.com,你可以规律的参加课程,线上会话课一天24小时与外籍教师对话。小班制并有组织的会话课主题。与相同程度的学生一起上课,讨论主题,并得到专业教师的评语和指导。不久许多人将会对你的字汇能力和准确发音留下深刻的印象。


You might have memorized the entire English dictionary, but all that vocabulary is useless if no one understands you when you speak! If you're frustrated because you know you're using the correct word and sentence structure, but have to repeat a word three or four times before you're understood, you're not alone. A lot of people know English well, but they learn from non-native English-speaking teachers, they practice with non-native speakers, and they have never been to an English-speaking country. Their grammar and vocabulary might be excellent, but they just can make themselves understood. The problem is lack of correct speaking practice. If everyone in your class ?including the teacher ?knows the spelling and meaning of a word but is mispronouncing something as simple as a vowel sound it could make you all indecipherable. There are a few ways you can compare your speech to a native English-speaker's without ever being face-to-face. Two commonly used methods are: watching movies in English and listening to English radio. Then, you finish by recording yourself and comparing what you hear on the tape to what you hear in the movies or on the radio. While listening and recording your voice is popular and can be helpful, nothing compares to getting feedback and help from a real native speaker. But isn't this your problem in the first place? No access to native speakers? Not so fast. Through the Internet you have plenty of opportunities to practice with native English speakers. If you have headphones and a microphone along with your computer and Internet connection, you could listen in on a video chat room. But these aren't usually filled with people interested in helping you improve your pronunciation. A better option is one of the growing number of online English schools. Through Englishtown.com, you can join regular, live conversation classes with a native English-speaking teacher ?every hour, 24 hours a day. Classes are small and organized around a topic. Join in with other students at the same skill level, discuss the subject, and get feedback and guidance from the professional teacher. Soon youl be impressing people with your vocabulary and your accurate pronunciation!

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