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[天声人语] 080312名实之间

发表于 2008-3-13 20:59:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



〈名前ってなに? 薔薇と呼んでいる花を別の名前にしてみても美しい香りはそのまま〉(小田島雄志訳)。共感を誘うのは真理を突いているからだろう。だが半面、名前そのものにも消しがたい「香り」は宿る。呼び換えることで、名前の纏うもろもろが、失せてしまうこともある。











What's in a name? Often, more than you know

Shakespeare's tragic love story "Romeo and Juliet" is a treasure trove of quotable lines. The scene in which the young star-crossed lovers from two warring families lament their fate and say they want to renounce their family names is particularly famous.

Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet." The line strikes a chord with us because it's true.

But at the same time, it is also true that names themselves have certain "scents" that are difficult to erase. In some cases, by changing names, all images they connote could also be lost.

There is a move to change the term ro-gakko (school for the deaf) to chokaku tokubetsu shien gakko (special support school for the hearing-impaired). I heard that the measure is in response to a revision of the School Education Law.

On March 10, the vernacular Asahi Shimbun ran a story that Naoki Yamamoto of Shizuoka opposed the move. Yamamoto, 35, who also studied at a school for the deaf, feels pride in the word ro, meaning deaf.

The Japanese Federation of the Deaf is also opposed to the proposed name change. Schools for the deaf have a long history and are known for their use of sign language. The name is filled with various scents. Yamamoto is concerned that the name "special support school" would place the deaf in a lower status as recipients of support.

Bureaucratese often emits unfeeling scents. A recent typical example is the term koki-koreisha (literally late-stage elderly), the official name by which the government refers to people aged 75 and older. The Asahi Shimbun ran a letter to the editor from an unhappy reader who wrote: "I feel as though I have finally been driven to a cliff of age."

Even when names are changed, perhaps reality remains the same. However, if we call edamame "premature soybeans" green beans in pods as were formerly referred to in government statistics, the name would look unappetizing on izakaya pub menus.

Wasn't there a name to make one's old age feel warmer?

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 12(IHT/Asahi: March 13,2008)

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发表于 2008-3-14 09:37:37 | 显示全部楼层
名前ってなに? 薔薇と呼んでいる花を別の名前にしてみても美しい香りはそのまま
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