深圳昆仲科技招聘全职日语翻译、排版员和项目经理(full-time translator, Linguistic QA and Project Manager)
1. 母语为日语;
Native Speakers of Japanese;
2. 流利的英语听说读写能力,能用英语与他人无障碍沟通;
Skilled in both spoken and written English, able to communicate fluently with native English speakers;
3. 有翻译、设计、排版、项目管理经验者优先考虑;
Candidates with experience in Translation, Designing, DTP (Desktop publishing) or Project management are preferred;
4. 日常工作:处理各种翻译QA 和排版项目,编辑日语文件,保证向客户交货文件精准无误,提供排版协助,文档整理等;
Daily responsibilities: Handling various types of linguistic QA and DTP projects; editing from English into your native language and making sure that the deliverables to client be both technically and grammatically accurate, assisting in DTP process and involving in documentation work, etc.
5. 工作地点:本公司深圳办公室
Job Location: CCJK Technologies Shenzhen Office
公司名称:深圳昆仲科技(CCJK Technologies)
Web: www.ccjk.com
公司地址: 南山区科技园北区松坪山路5号嘉达研发大厦主楼9层
Email: recruit@ccjk.com 或 ruth.huang@ccjk.com
工商注册号:4403012099352 |