For this assignment, write descriptions in Japanese of two different travel destinations. You may choose venues in Japan or other destinations. Your writing may take the form of a travel diary or information for a travel brochure or promotional piece. You do not need to have visited the venue. Feel free to use the Internet as a resource. As an example, you might write a description of a trip to Hawaii, including where you stayed and how long. You could describe a surfing lesson (include the cost) and describe the experience. Your second piece should describe a different destination. Be sure your writing reflects your current abilities in Japanese plus your work in past courses as well as your work in this course. Each description will be worth 15 points, based on use of grammar, vocabulary, and content.
As a reminder, this is the grammar we have covered in recent lessons:
? Embedded questions
? Informal form of the copula
? Honorific and humble verbs and expressions
? The particle に to indicate a specific occasion or purpose
? Potential form of the verb
? Causative verb form
? し。。。し to link clauses
? て-form for cause and effect
我是在美国留学的,今年毕业,我们学校和早稻田大学是友好学校,导师给我一个可以去日本游学半年的机会,但是需要写这样的一篇paper,就是写写你去旅游过的2个地方,比如说夏威夷啊之类的,你在那里待了多久,都做过什么,简单的介绍一下,很简单的日语作文,谢谢了!字数就是一页纸左右,7月5号晚上之前一定要给我,我的邮箱是276065096@qq.com求求各位好心的大大们帮帮忙,我日语真的好差。。。。鞠躬感谢了。。。。。 |