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[天声人语] 080404重温旧梦

发表于 2008-4-6 15:19:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式















Reunion unlocks memories and a new chapter

There are sounds and images that are inseparable from a certain era synonymous with our youth. Years later, we tend to revisit the memories of that glorious era to cheer ourselves up when we are feeling down.

Readers who became young adults in the 1970s can probably recall the sounds and images of Candies, a popular female pop trio.

In my case, the first spring of my life in Tokyo will forever be associated with their hit song "Toshishita no Otokonoko" (Younger boyfriend). When I moved to a different boarding house two years later, "Yasashii Akuma" (Gentle devil) was playing everywhere. I listened to both tunes amid the dusty mess of packing and unpacking. Candies disbanded on April 4 exactly 30 years ago.

Their farewell concert at the former Korakuen Stadium in Tokyo was packed with 50,000 fans. Paper streamers thrown by the fans covered the stage. During their final number, the three women shouted, "We've been truly happy." They raised their arms high and waved, hugged one another and wept, and then disappeared into the pit under the stage, arms linked tightly together.

Volunteers, who decades ago belonged to an all-Japan association of Candies fan clubs, organized a huge reunion for the evening of Friday, April 4. The admission fee to the reunion, held near the site of the old stadium, was 10,000 yen. It included 10 rolls of paper tape.

An expected 2,000 fans, now older and in their prime, would have hurled those tapes at the images of their former idols shown on a giant screen.

One of the organizers of this event, a 52-year-old employee a major electric maker, noted: "My starting point in life was the four years during which we fans devoted our lives to making the trio more than just showbiz icons.

Now that we have grown older and wiser, we decided to hold this reunion and make it a stepping stone for the next phase of our lives."

When Candies announced they were disbanding, they explained that they wanted to "become ordinary girls again." These words became a fad phrase of the time.

Ran Ito, 53, and Yoshiko Tanaka, 51, are still active in the showbiz world. Miki Fujimura, 52, is a full-time homemaker. None of the three said they would come to the reunion.

But on Friday night, the participating "ordinary middle aged men" will use a master key to unlock their shared treasure chest of memories and perhaps feel a bit happier. And perhaps that will help cheer up tomorrow's Japan, too.

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 4(IHT/Asahi: April 5,2008)

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