
楼主: rikokushin

[英语学习] 《英语名人家书》 英汉对照

 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:14:32 | 显示全部楼层
31.John O'hara to His

Daughter(Wylie O'hara)(Ⅱ)


TLS,1 p.Mrs.Doughty

Quogue,Long Island

16 September1962,Sunday

My dear:

Well,here we are——but not here.You at St.Tim's,Sister in Princeton,and me in Quogue,andanother brand new year is about to start for you.For me,too.I always seem to approach the autumnin the frame of mind that spring induces in mostpeople.The excitement of new things;the newplays,the new books,new clothes,etc.,etc.,etc.At the same time the autumn for me is a season ofa sweet melancholy that is hard to explain.I lovethe early evenings,the leaves burning,the lights inhouses.

It is the beginning of a big year for you,inmany respects your biggest so far.By the time Junecomes around you will be 18,and graduating fromschool.In the past week or so I have called you“Kid” but subconsciously I have been doing thatbecause your kid days are over,or just about.I suspect that you are going through the experienceof first love,and no matter what else happens,afterthat experience you are never a kid again.

Most of the nice things we associate withbeing a kid are okay——while you are still a kid.But you gain more than you lose.You gain inunderstanding standing,in appreciation of people,in understanding and appreciation of yourself.Youbegin to see the wisdom in that quotation I have sooften repeated to you:to thine own self be true.Every year at this time I have repeated thatquotation to you,and the time is not really too fardistant when you will be passing it on to your ownchildren.It is probably the best single piece ofadvice I can give you,or you can give them.

You have done well,and I am pleased withyou,not only for what you have done,but for whatyou are.As Miss Finnegan said to Sister,“Wyliehas the right reactions.”So good luck in yourSenior Year,and always know that the old manloves you very much.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:14:41 | 显示全部楼层










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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:14:48 | 显示全部楼层
32.John O'hara to

His Daughter(Wylie O'hara)(Ⅲ)




My dear:

You left this cheque on the table in the livingroom.You will recall that as soon as you asked foryour allowance,I went to my study and wrote outthe cheque and brought it in and gave it to you,because you were going to need it the next day inNew York.

This cheque is for a larger amount than myentire allowance any year that I was in boarding school.In 1963 it represents approximately the royalty after taxes on the sale of nearly 1000books.It is almost twice as much as I earned as areporter on the Herald Tribune,and I supportedmyself on that salary.That is,I paid for all myroom,board,clothes,and fun on that salary.I hadno other income.I therefore take a rather dim viewof your casual attitude toward a cheque for $275.

This is,I suppose,your swinging year,and Iwant you to have a good time.Nevertheless I want you from time to time to give mature thought tocertain matters.Every cent,every single cent,thatis spent on you,and that you spend,comes out ofmoney that I have earned by hard,hard work.Notone single cent of your mother's or grandmother'smoney had been touched.Your car,for instance,cost me as much money as I have,after taxes,fromthe sale of four New Yorker stories.Your year atBennett will have cost me as much as I netted,aftertaxes,on the sale of A FAMILY PARTY.

As authors go,I am,as I told you,a rich man.But there are not many authors who make nearlyas much money as I do,and I do it because I amgood and because I work very hard.In the midst ofyour good time I want you to stop and think oncein a while about where the money comes from;notonly because it has come from my hard work,butbecause it is absolutely necessary for you yourselfto get some perspective on your own financialposition.When you have finished your educationyou are going to have to go to work,to earn asalary.I will be 59 in January,and it is just kiddingmyself to think that I can go on working this handand earning this kind of money,and I do not oftenkid myself.At 21 you will be coming into somemoney,but as I have often told you,it is not goingto be enough to make you Miss Richbitch or topermit you to live as Miss Richbitch.I am lettingyou have a good time now,because this is the timeto have it,when you are young.But I would bedoing you no favor if I failed to remind you of thehard realities.One of the hardest realities is moneyand the handling of it.Another is the fact that untilyou marry,and possibly even after,you are goingto be a working-girl I am very fond of most of yourfriends,but you must not get into the habit oftaking for granted that I am as rich as some oftheir fathers.I'm not.I have earned as much in oneyear as you will inherit from your mother's estate.And you will only get the income from your grandmother's trust fund;the principal is held intrust for your children.

Now,and during the months ahead,I want youto direct your thoughts toward your own future,the kind of work you want to do,the kind of manyou want to marry,the contributions you can maketo your marriage,and the future wellbeing of yourchildren.I assure you that if you do this you willenjoy yourself more than if you enjoy yourselfaimlessly.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:14:55 | 显示全部楼层







如同我告诉你的,在作家中我是比较富有的。但并非许多作家都能挣到我这么多的钱,我之所以能做到这一切,是因为我有能力并且我勤奋工作。在你度过美好时光之时,我希望你能停下来想一想钱是从哪里来的。不仅仅因为它来自于我的勤奋工作,而且因为它对你自己建立独立的经济地位观是完全必要的。当你完成学业后,你将参加工作,将去挣工资。到一月份我就59岁了,要想我能继续如此勤奋工作,挣这么多的钱,简直是自欺欺人,我极少欺骗自己。你到21岁时,将能继承一笔钱,但正如我常常告诫你的,这笔钱并不足以使你成为富家小姐或过像富家小姐那样的生活。现在,我使你过着愉快的生活,因为你还小,正是享受快乐生活的时候。但是,如果我未能让你认识到这些严峻的现实,对你是没有任何好处的。在这些严竣的现实中,其中之一就是钱以及如何使用钱。另一个就是,在你结婚之前,甚至可能在结婚之后,你都得工作。对你多数的朋友,我都很喜欢,但你不能养成这样的习惯,想当然地以为我和他们中某些人的父亲一样富有。我并不富有。我一年所挣的钱与你将从你母亲的遗产中所能继承的钱一样多。而且,你只能得到你祖母的托管金的收入 部分,而本金是给你的子女的。





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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:15:02 | 显示全部楼层
33.Randall Jarrell

to His Wife(Mackie Jarrell)




You should see me sorting the mail at Ⅱ and 4;I stand in front of an enormous box with about twenty sub-divisions,and flip the letters in,just as if I were hitting a ping-pong backhand.The turnover of labor in the mail room is enormous;about half the ones who were working when I began have been shipped away,and I was glad tosee them go.The head of the mail room,a firstclass private,cares passionately about the mailroom and is always worrying and exhorting;he isvery stupid and rarely can understand anything thefirst time.All the replacements are dumb drivencattle,who don't talk at all compared to the oldgang,and that's a gift from God.

Some parts of the work are moderately pleasant;the names,a tenth of them,are queerbeyond belief.Then the places they're beingshipped to work on me powerfully,like the Christmas Store Window and the poor child.Andsome are very odd:the Sea Searcb Attack Group and the Prov.Engr.Airborne Regiment,Sedalia,Knobnoster,Mo.Ask me no questions for fear Ishould reply.One of the funniest forwarding addresses was Corporal So-and-so,Anti- Submarine Detachment,Exeter Apartments,Galveston.I suppose he sits on the roof of theapartment with field glasses and a rifle.

The best thing about the mail room is that it'srelatively off to itself and unmilitary.We're littlebothered by officers and non-commissioned officers,both of whom I'm growing to dislikemore and more.This is an illustrative incident:I got paid for the first time yesterday ——it wasobviously my first time.I was supposed to salutethe lieutenant sitting at the table and say,“Private Jarrell,Randall,sir.”I didn't know thatand left off the Private;the officer corrected mevery unpleasantly and acted as if I'd committed acrime.

Writing the addresses on the envelopes stirsmuch envy in me;Peabody College,Nashville,andothers to San Marcos and all sorts of charming colleges——lucky cadets!What funny names people have:they're a great pleasure to the postalemployee.I'm afraid that as long as I have this job,my letters will suffer.Letters about letters(andthe outside of letters at that)aren't a rewarding genre.

How I wish I could see Kitten drinking out of the bathtub.I was as surprised as if you'd told mehe'd taken to walking on the ceiling.

We had spareribs for lunch,and I was givensix——and the smallest was about eleven incheslong.There was so much bone I couldn't helpthinking of the boy's remark about education——to have gained so little and have gone through somuch;except I've forgotten how it went.

I think perhaps if I ever have time I can writesome good dreary poems about the army,and thewar;but they won't be printable while I'm in thearmy,and they won't be liked by anybody until the20's——when those return.

Even though my job is hard and long,it's stillwonderful not to have the rollcalls,the drill,theaimless waiting and waiting,and all the rest.

I'll write to Lambert Davis and ask himwhether Harcourt Brace minds my using“Orestes”and five or six poems for a New Directions anthology(they can reprint them in my secondbook with them).If they don't want me to presumably it'll only be because they want another of mine fairly soon.

My,what fun it'll be to think about articlesand poems and books and things after the war.Maybe I'll even get industrious,any industry willseem so mild compared to the wicked army.Andwhat a paradise of amusements Austin willseem——a perfect Coney Island.

I love you so much,darling,and miss you.I'llwrite you again tomorrow.You're my darling.Ilove you.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:15:12 | 显示全部楼层

















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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:15:20 | 显示全部楼层
34.Randall Jarrell to His

Mother(Anna Regan)


January 1963

Dear Mother:

I do hope you're feeling a lot better now.School's started again for us and I'm mainly tryingto finish Crime and Punishment before the end ofthe term.It was a great pleasure for us getting totalk to you Christmas.I got a pretty stripedEnglish shirt from Brooks Brothers with my half ofthe Christmas check you sent us;Mary got a beautiful pink blouse at Bergdorf Goodman.Thankyou so much.

There was a nice mention in Time of A SadHeart we cut it out to send you,so as to be sureyou'd see it.

Did I tell you that I've just finished anotherchildren's book?It's named The Bat-Poet and hasseveral poems inside the story.I really enjoyedwriting it a lot,and felt almost as if I'd written agrown-up story.

Little Marie[Boyette]certainly has grown;she looks more like a small girl than a big baby.I gave Mary a little Georgian child's chair for aChristmas present,and little Marie liked sitting init.

Bea has fixed her apartment awfully prettily;she and Gerhard are happy as can be.

Your Christmas sounded awfully nice,both forall the visits and all the presents.We didn't havemuch snow compared with yours;so far this hasbeen rather a warm mild winter here——sunny,too.

Write and tell us how you're feeling now;Ihope very much you're beginning to feel like yourold self.

With lots of love

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:15:26 | 显示全部楼层







小玛丽(博耶特)当然长大了;她看起来更像一个小女孩,而不像一个大婴儿。我送给玛丽一个佐治 亚州的小童椅作为圣诞礼物,小玛丽喜欢坐在里面。






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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:15:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-24 09:10:05 | 显示全部楼层

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Well done!

[ 本帖最后由 helladise 于 2008-9-24 09:16 编辑 ]
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