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[英语学习] 能不能把古汉语“训读”成英语?

发表于 2009-1-12 01:16:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
子 you
      以 不读
      我 I
am 为 think
      信 imbelievable

you think I am imbeliavable.

不 do not
为 for

|  三
孙 descendants
买 buy
美 nice
田 fields

do not buy nice fields for descendants.

天 heaven
命 bade
玄 the black
鸟 bird

降 let it descend
而 and
生 generate
商 Shang

宅 let it live
殷 Yin's
土 earth

芒 boundlessness of

[ 本帖最后由 Englistemast 于 2009-1-12 08:22 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-12 05:00:02 | 显示全部楼层
The Black Bird

天命玄鳥 降而生商
heaven bade the black bird, let it descend and generate Shang
let it live in the boundlessness of Yin's earth
古帝命武湯 正域彼四方
formerly the emperor bade valorous Tang, determined borders of his four sides
方命厥后 奄有九有
widely bade this sovereigns, to cover and possess nine possessions
商之先后 受命不殆
Shang's predeceased sovereigns, recieved orders and did not neglect
it lay in Muting's descendants
武丁孫子 武王靡不勝
Muting's descendants, valorous kings there was no be not equal to
龍旗十乘 大糦是承
dragon flags ten vehicles, lifted big millet
邦畿千里 維民所止
the country's thousand miles, where these subjects stayed
determined borders of his four seas
四海來假 來假祁祁
the four seas arrived for levees, arriving for levees was numerous
景員維河 殷受命咸宜
King Yuen are rivers, Yin recieved orders was wholly fine
bore hundred bliss

[ 本帖最后由 Englistemast 于 2009-1-23 17:39 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-1-12 08:50:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-12 09:16:08 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-23 17:43:53 | 显示全部楼层
The 玄 鳥
The Black Bird

天n 命de the 玄 鳥, let it 降nd and 生te 商
heaven bade the black bird, let it descend and generate Shang
let it 宅ve in the 芒芒ndlessness of 殷's 土th
let it live in the boundlessness of Yin's earth
古merly the 帝ror 命de 武rous 湯, 正ned 域rders of 彼s 四 方des
formerly the emperor bade valorous Tang, determined borders of his four sides
方dely 命de 厥s 后gns, to 奄ver and 有ss of 九 有ssions
widely bade this sovereigns, to cover and possess nine possessions
商's 先sed 后gns, 受ved 命ders and did not 殆ct
Shang's predeceased sovereigns, recieved orders and did not neglect
it lay in 武丁's 孫子ndants
it lay in Muting's descendants
武丁's 孫子dants, 武rous 王s there was no be not 勝l to
Muting's descendants, valorous kings there was no be not equal to
龍旗s 十乘cles, 承fted 大g 糦
dragon flags ten vehicles, lifted big millet
the 邦畿try's 千里s, where 維se 民cts 止yed
the country's thousand miles, where these subjects stayed
肇ned 域rders of 彼s 四 海s
determined borders of his four seas
the 四 海s 來ved for 假es, 來ving for 假es was 祁祁rous
the four seas arrived for levees, arriving for levees was numerous
景 員 are 河s, 殷 受ved 命rders was 咸lly 宜ne
King Yuen are rivers, Yin recieved orders was wholly fine
何re 百 祿ss
bore hundred bliss
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