901 901. shape recovery force ==> 形状回復力
902 902. shaped beam antenna ==> 成形ビームアンテナ
903 903. shaping circuit ==> 整形回路
904 904. share ==> 分担
905 905. share holder ==> 株主
906 906. shared ==> 共通の
907 907. shared frequency station ==> 周波数共用局
908 908. sharp ==> シャープ,a sharper image, a lower price
909 909. sharp tuning ==> 鋭同調
910 910. sharpness of resonance ==> 共振の鋭さ
911 911. sharpness of tuning ==> 同調の鋭さ
912 912. shearing ==> せん断変換
913 913. shearing strength ==> せん断強度
914 914. shearing stress ==> せん断応力
915 915. sheath ==> シース
916 916. sheath current ==> シース電流
917 917. sheath dynamics ==> シースの動的挙動
918 918. sheath loss ==> シース損
919 919. sheath oxygen effect ==> シース酸素効果
920 920. sheath voltage ==> シース電圧
921 921. sheet iron ==> 薄鋼板
922 922. sheet resistivity ==> 面積抵抗(率)
923 923. shelf ==> シェルフ
924 924. shelf corrosion ==> 放置腐食
925 925. shelf test ==> 放置試験
926 926. shell-structure ==> 殻構造
927 927. shell type ==> 外鉄形
928 928. shell type transformer ==> 外鉄形変圧器
929 929. SHF, super high frequency ==> 周波数帯の名称
930 930. SHG, second harmonic generation ==> 二次高調波発生
931 931. shield driving method ==> シールド工法
932 932. shielding ==> シールド,遮蔽
933 933. shielding angle ==> 遮蔽角,遮光角
934 934. shielding box ==> 遮蔽箱
935 935. shielding case ==> シールドケース
936 936. shielding effect ==> 遮蔽性能
937 937. shielding efficiency ==> 遮蔽効率
938 938. shielding pipe ==> 遮蔽管
939 939. shielding ridge ==> シールディングリッジ
940 940. shielding ring ==> シールドリング
941 941. shielding wire ==> シールド線,遮蔽線
942 942. shift ==> けた送り
943 943. shift-in character ==> シフトイン文字
944 944. shift mode ==> シフトモード
945 945. shift-out character ==> シフトアウト文字
946 946. shift register ==> シフトレジスタ,送りレジスタ
947 947. shifting ==> シフチング(ロラン)
948 948. shifting field ==> 移動磁界
949 949. shifting field type ==> 移動磁界形
950 950. shifting magnetic field ==> 移動磁界
951 951. Shinkansen, Japanese Bullet Train ==> 新幹線
952 952. SHM, ship's heading marker ==> SHM
953 953. shock excited oscillator ==> ショック発振器
954 954. shock-response-spectrum analysis ==> SRS解析
955 955. shock test ==> 衝撃試験
956 956. shock wave ==> 衝撃波
957 957. shop test ==> 工場試験
958 958. Shore hardness ==> ショア硬さ
959 959. shoreline preservation ==> 汀線保全
960 960. short ==> 短絡
961 961. short bar ==> 短絡片
962 962. short break ==> 瞬断
963 963. short channel effect ==> 短チャンネル効果
964 964. short circuit ==> 短絡
965 965. short-circuit ==> 短絡
966 966. short circuit calculation ==> 短絡容量計算
967 967. short-circuit capacity ==> 短絡容量
968 968. short-circuit characteristic curve ==> 短絡特性曲線
969 969. short-circuit current ==> 短絡電流
970 970. short circuit generation ==> 短絡発電機
971 971. short-circuit impedance ==> 短絡インピーダンス
972 972. short circuit of valve arm ==> アーム短絡,三相ブリッジを構成するサイリスタバルブ1台の端子間の短絡をいう
973 973. short-circuit operation ==> 短絡運転
974 974. short-circuit power-factor ==> 短絡力率
975 975. short-circuit relay==short circuit … ==> 短絡継電器, Protection which operates when short-circuits occur between conductors or between two or three phases and earth or between one phase and earth in systems with solidly earthed neutral.
976 976. short-circuit ring ==> 短絡環
977 977. short-circuit subtransient time-constant ==> 短絡初期過渡時定数
978 978. short-circuit test ==> 短絡試験
979 979. short-circuit time constant ==> 短絡過渡時定数
980 980. short circuit winding ==> 短絡巻線
981 981. short-circuit winding ==> 短絡巻線
982 982. short-circuit ○○ relay ==> 短絡○○継電器
983 983. short circuited inductance ==> 短絡インダクタンス
984 984. short-citcuit protection==short-circuit protection ==> 短絡保護 Protection which operates when short-circuits occur between conductors or between two or three phases and earth or between one phase and earth in systems with solidly earthed neutral.
985 985. short distance transmission line ==> 短距離送電線路
986 986. short duration variations ==> 短期変動
987 987. short floating point number ==> 単精度浮動小数点数
988 988. short gap ==> 短ギャップ
989 989. short-haul transmission system ==> 短距離伝送方式
990 990. short interruption ==> 瞬停,A short interruption is defined as the complete loss of voltage (<0.1pu) on one or more phases for a time period between 0.5 cycles and 3s.
991 991. short interval ==> 短時間間隔
992 992. short-line-fault breaking ==> 近距離線路故障遮断
993 993. short pass principle ==> 短ギャップの理
994 994. short period superlattice ==> 短周期超格子
995 995. short-pitch factor ==> 短節係数
996 996. short-pitch winding ==> 短節巻
997 997. short pulse ==> 短パルス幅
998 998. short pulse gate firing system ==> 狭幅パルスゲート点弧方式
999 999. short-run marginal cost method ==> 短期限界費用方式(SRMC)
1000 1000. short shunt ==> 内分巻 |