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[天声人语] 天声人语(日英汉对照版) 2010/12/28 不器用

发表于 2010-12-28 09:09:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 abyssthinice 于 2010-12-29 10:30 编辑

VOX POPULI: Slow down and watch where you're going



Former U.S. President Gerald Ford (1913-2006) was known for his clumsiness. In fact, he was so clumsy that people jokingly said he couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time. But he was also known for his unpretentious personality and sincerity.



I remembered him on Christmas Day. As I was climbing the stairs of a crowded subway station, a young woman came tumbling down. She was using her cellphone while going down the stairs and apparently missed a step or bumped into someone and fell. Several people rushed to help her. Fortunately, she was not hurt.



Are people so busy they cannot even wait another minute to use their phones? Or, are people on the other end so impatient?
I frequently see people intently fiddling with their cellphones in crowded places. They don't seem to care about anyone around them. If Ford saw them, he would roll over in his grave. Why can't people concentrate on one or the other, either use their cellphone or just walk?



In one case, carelessness led to a fatal accident. A person who was so wrapped up in using a cellphone on a train platform unwittingly came too close to the edge and was hit by an oncoming train.
It is dangerous not only for the person using the cellphone, but also for people around them. The same thing could have happened to the woman I mentioned above. No one should use a cellphone while riding a bicycle.



For many people, Tuesday was the last day of work before the end of the year. Perhaps the hustle and bustle of the streets will quiet down after Tuesday.
Writer Aya Koda (1904-1990) once contributed an essay called "Oshitsumaru" (Getting close to the end of the year) to the vernacular Asahi Shimbun. It read: "I cannot walk straight even on sidewalks because all the people seem to bump into me."
"I don't like being in such a state because I find myself infected with cranky speed." She was writing about the year-end atmosphere during the late 1950s to early 1960s.



The term "owaregokoro" (literally, chased-after feeling) refers to the feeling of rushing to escape when something is chasing after you.
Although we live in an age of speed, why not take the time to slow down and be clumsy for a change? I want to enjoy this year end with a relaxed mind.


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