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[天声人语] 天声人语(日英汉对照版) 2010/12/31 暦と日記

发表于 2010-12-31 08:48:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 abyssthinice 于 2011-1-1 10:00 编辑

VOX POPULI: A blank diary should inspire hope not anxiety



I just retired the 2010 calendar that was hanging by my desk and replaced it with its successor.
While writing this column this past year, I was constantly aware of my old calendar's presence, as if it were watching me every day. There were good days, and there were not-so-good days. Perhaps my calendar remembers them better than I do. Having witnessed the future become the past over those 365 days, the calendar now looks a little worn as it goes into permanent retirement.



Around this season, stationery stores devote a lot of shelf space to wall, desktop and pocket calendars and diaries. As the old year gets ready to make way for the new, I imagine people take a longer view of time than they do in their hectic daily lives. A haiku by Haruo Mizuhara goes: "Without hesitation/ I purchase a 10-year diary."



I understand diaries covering spans of three, five or more years are quite popular. Perhaps middle-aged and older people turn to them as lucky charms to protect them from harm. The novelist Nobuko Yoshiya (1896-1973) noted in an essay, "Every time I bought a three-year diary, I prayed to be able to use it up."



On New Year's Eve, some people must be making the year's final entry on the last page of their diary. I hope there are more words of gratitude and satisfaction than of regret. On New Year's Day, people start a new journey into unknown days and months. The times we are living in are not easy, but I for one would like to see hope, rather than anxiety, in the blank pages of my new diary.



A neighborhood shrine I walked past yesterday was tidied up and readied for the new year. Away from the hustle and bustle typical of the year-end, time seemed to stand still there, and I basked in the peace and solemnity of the moment.
When temple bells begin tolling late on New Year's Eve, I imagine people in some parts of the country will be listening to them as snow falls.



Feeling purified in body and soul and the sense of being "reset" reinvigorates us, readying us to face each new day on our new calendars. Here is a haiku by Yoshiya: "Unknown days and months are beautiful/ On a brand new calendar."
A happy new year to you all.


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发表于 2010-12-31 14:46:22 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-31 16:03:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 abyssthinice 于 2010-12-31 16:16 编辑

han桑在google上查查“天声人語 小欄”就知道了。很多跟日历无关的。:)




http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.c ... _detail/q1015153970
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