
楼主: rikokushin

[英语学习] 《英语名人家书》 英汉对照

 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:07:05 | 显示全部楼层













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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:07:16 | 显示全部楼层
9. Mark Twain to His Wife

(Olivia L.Langdon)(I)


15 February 1869, Ohio

Livy,darling, how are you this morning?Forit is morning,I guess,inasmuch as it is only halfpast 9,&I have not got up yet.I only awoke a

little while ago,&naturally thought of you the first thing.I don't intend to get up till noon.

I wrote to our Mother,——if she will allow me to call her so——&the letter is gone. If I hadit back I would write it over again. I see that inletting the letter“write itself” it took entirely too unconventional a form. I forgot,occasionally, thefact that I was really writing to the PUBLIC,instead of to her. And so I elaborated what neededno elaboration,& merely touched upon matterswhich should have been treated more fully. But don't you see?——if I had kept the public in mymind, the sense of being questioned & crossquestioned by outsiders, upon matters essentiallyprivate & personal, would have been so oppressivethat I could not have written at all. It is hard toknow that what you are writing(confessing) aboutyour most delicate& private affairs is to be read bystrangers and unlovingly criticised & commentedon at tea tables & among miscellaneous groupswho would often rather say a smart thing than akind one. So I think that maybe, after all, theremay have been a little natural impulse to holdback,instead of speaking out freely, though I wasnot really conscious of such an impulse. I do notthink I am more sensitive than others woule be under like circumstances.

I told Mrs.Fairbanks to have the ring made,& then express it to me at Elmira so that it wouldreach there about the 20th.And so you see I canput it on your finger myself,my precious littlewife.

I wrote Twichell a short note yesterday to thank him for his kind efforts in forwarding ouraffairs.I told him we meant to lead a useful,unostentations & earnest religious life,& that Ishould unite with the church as soon as I was settled;& that both of us, on these accounts,would prefer the quiet, moral atmosphere ofHartford to the driving, ambitious ways ofCleveland. I wanted him to understand that whatwe want is a home——we are done with the shows& vanities of life & are ready to enter upon itsrealities that we are tired of chasing itsphantoms & shadows,& are ready to grasp itssubstance.At least I am——&“I” means both ofus,&“both of us” means I of course——for arenot we Twain one flesh?

I read a great deal in the Testament lastnight——why didn't we read the Testament more,instead of carrying loads of books into the drawingroom which we never read? I thought of it Severaltimes.

Clouding up again——well,is it never goingto clear off? I will go to sleep again.Take thisloving kiss & go to bed yourself,my idol.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:07:27 | 显示全部楼层











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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:07:42 | 显示全部楼层
10.Mark Twain to His Wife

(Olivia L.Langdon)(Ⅱ)


9 May 1869· Hartford, Conn.

Break our engagement, darling? I would infinitely rather die. No, Livy, if note is taken ofthe deeds of men, our troth is writ in the eternalrecords of Heaven.We were created for each other, & can no more wilfully separate than canthe forces of nature defy the God that created them.We are bound to each other by viewless chains that are strong as the granite ribs that linkthe mountains together,& more enduring than thePyramids that mock at the perishable vanities ofmen——for these chains are of eternity itself,&cannot know death.

You are right when you say we shall not break our engagement.My life thenceforward would be only a vain & foolish sort of existence, for I knowby every instinct that is in me that I am not capableof loving any other woman as I love you.And life is but a dull,eventless captivity without love.

To say that I am sorry for Emma, but illexpresses it——for I can, after a fashion, divinewhat my torture would be if I were in her place.That I can divine one-half the magnitude of theterrible calamity, though,I do not pretend. Itsuggests graves, madness, winding-sheets &death!——in a word, all horrors that can befallthe unfortunate. In presence of the thought, I feelas if I want to put my arms about you & clasp youclose to my breast,& know & feel that you are mydarling yet, that I have not lost you.

I am more than sorry for Emma——I feel more kindly toward her than I ever did before——& my rebuking conscience iterates & reiterates tome that all the time that I would have stood between you & her & bolted the sheltering doorsagainst her, she was seeking restful words for atroubled spirit & balm for a sore heart.

All the ill news comes at once.A friend of Twichell's is in misfortune——a young ministerwhom I met,with his wife,at Twichell's house several times heretofore.He loved her to idolatry,& now she is taken from him. She had amiscarriage two years ago,& what with her bodily sufferings & grief for the loss of the child,she came near dying. Last week she had another miscarriage,& did not survive it. The young widower is well nigh beside himself with despair.Death is for us both, my Livy, but not broken engagements.Our marriage——for marriage it is——is for time & eternity.

“Livy,Livy,Livy”(I love the name,)I am so sorry, but we can't have proofs to send you. Thepublisher & the electrotyper are at daggers'points,& as the latter is not obliged by custom orcontract to furnish duplicate proofs,Bliss haslittle hope of getting them. He will try,but expects a refusal. And I have put so much“poetryIn the margin”that it seems hardly worth while forme to make an attempt, especially as Bliss says heis a crusty, ill-natured Englishman——still,Imean to make the attempt anyhow. I have read over fifty pages of proofs this morning——dull,stupid,aggravating,tiresome drudgery it was.Itseems incredible to me that these are the very samekind of proofs I used to love to read with my darling& string out as long as possible. But thistime I galloped through them & was perfectlydelighted when I got through.It took me about two hours——or even less. I haven't even made astart toward answering your dear good letters(7th& 8th received to-day,)& yet I must stop writingnow,for at 3 or 3∶30 o'clock I must be at Mrs.Hooker's,& it is considerably after 2, now & I amnot yet shaved.

Hat's gone, now, I suppose,& I am mostsincerely sorry, for if she isn't a blessing to ahousehold, all my judgments are gone astray. Andshe was such company & such a help to you, that Ifeel a grateful glow around about my heart everytime I think of her.Anybody that is good to Livycan command my love & respect.I shall write her,to Lisbon, Ill.

Livy dear, you must deliver my love unto yourfather & mother(&in no stinted measure or infrozen parliamentary pomp & circumstance,Iwarn you,)& unto your sister Sue& Theodore aswell.I love all those parties.

Confound it, I forgot to give Hattie themocking-bird.

The peace of God be with you, my own darling,& His angels keep you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:07:50 | 显示全部楼层















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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:08:02 | 显示全部楼层
11.Henry James to

His Sister(Alice James)


3 Bolton St. W.

Feb 29 th, 1884

Dearest Sister,

I seemto myselfto be constantlyletting longer intervals elapse between my letters to you ;butI suppose that is inevitable in a prolonged correspondence. Iwill tryand not let silence get too much ahead of speech.Iwrote you last just afterI had gone over to Paris; from which place I returned,after a stay of some three weeks, twodays ago. Iamverygladto relapse into Bolton Street asI always am, after any absence,howeverpleasant, andI say this without detriment to Paris, which, for short periods, is alwayscharming to me.Nothing very particular happened to me there, butI saw my old friends and the newplays and had some excellent food.Igreatly missed Turgénieff, butI saw the Princess Ouroussoff, whomI used to see a great deal of old, and who is a most clever and curious woman,andshetold me various things about the lastyear ofhislife. Iam much horrified to learn that sincehisdeath Mme Viardot complains of him——of hishaving impoverished them; whereas he ruinedhimselffor her and her children. But these areodious discussions. WhileI was in ParisI heardfromAunt Kate ofyour intending to go on to N.Y.to tryan electrician; and therefore supposethat you have achieved it and that you even noware lodged behind some brownstone front of yournative city. This sounds to me like a big attempt,and Ihope it will be abigsuccess. The drama ofyour separation from Katharine is well over now,I suppose;andI will not indulge in vain conjecturesas to how you bear your bereavement .Ipray thatwhatever it may be, it is at least not worse thanyou——or she——supposed. Iam writing her aword of greeting, here, through the Barings, andshe probablywill send me a line——describingyou,as she left you——when she arrives inItaly.——We are having the first cold of thewinter and Mrs. Duncan stewart is dead. But thecold is bright and wholesome and Mrs. Stewarthad become a kind of talking melancholy ghost.She was a charming old being, however, andIshall miss her much.SomedayI shall put her intoa book. Ihave alreadyseen Mrs. Kemble and find her constantly a little more and a little morebroken and, as it were, indented. Ishall neverput her into a book.——Salvini made his firstappearance here,last night,in Othello, andIwent to see him; but to my surprise and distress hegave all the climax of the play much less finelythan whenI saw him a year ago in Boston, andIwas proportionately taken aback, having puffedhim so to some ofmy friendswho were there. Itwas as if he had toned it down and weakened itdeliberately, andIdon'tunderstandthe mystery. Ishall try and see him, and inquire.—— A notejust comes in from William, accompanying somepapers for me to sign in which he speaks definitelyof your going to N.Y.on the 14th.Ihope Marywill be an efficient(and effective) soubrette. Idon't think Ihave anynews that will interest you.Miss Motley(a supposedly hopeless old maid,plain and not moneyed) is to marry Colonel Mildmay. There is a sign ofcheer for you——havingthe advantages thatshe lacks. Mrs.Lombard was stillseriously ill when Ileft Paris,andI took upon myself to write to her son. Sheought to come home unless she has some one withher more powerful than Fanny.—— Ihear everynow and then from Carrie, but it is difficult to write to her, for want of topics. ButI do whatIcan. Ishall send this to Aunt Kate to give you.Bob's quietude seems almost too good to be true.Ever your affectionate.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:08:08 | 显示全部楼层








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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:08:19 | 显示全部楼层
12 . Winston Churchill to His Wife ( Climentine Churchill )
12 Winston Churchill to
His WifeClimentine Churchill
My dearest one
Alex and his aide-de-camp who is the son ofLord Templemore have left us after staying twonights IhopeAlex will come back again next weekend He certainlyenjoyed himself paintingand produced a very good picture considering it isthe first timethat he has handled a brush for sixyears Ihave now four picturesthree of themlargein an advanced state andI honestly thinkthey are better than any Ihave painted so far IgaveAlex your message and he was verypleased
The painting has been a great pleasure to meandI have really forgotten all my vexations It isa wonderful cure because you really cannot thinkof anything else This is Saturday and it is a weeksince we started We have had newspapers up tillWednesday Ihave skimmed through them and itcertainly seems we are going to have a pretty hardtime Icannot feel the Government are doing enough about demobilization still less aboutgettingour trade on the move again Ido notknow how we are ever to pay our debts andit isevendifficult to see how we shall pay our wayEven if we were all united in a Coalition gatheringall the strength of the nationour task might wellbe beyond our powers However all this seems already quite remote from me on this lovely lakewhere nearlyall the days are full ofsunshine andthe weatherbright and cool
Much better than the newspapers was your letter with its amusing but rather macabre account of the journey to WoodfordIam longingto hear how our affairs are progressing I do hope you are not overtaxing yourself with all the business that there is to do We shall certainly notforget about Mary's birthdaybut let me know what you have done about a present
Considering how pleasant and delightful the days have beenI cannot say they have passed quickly It seems quite a long time sinceI arrivedalthough every day has been full of interest and occupation Ihave converted my enormous bathroom into a studio with makeshift easelsand there all this morning Alex andI tried to putthe finishing touches on our pictures of yesterdayHe has set his heart on buying a villa here on apromontory Ihave not seen it inside but fromthe outside it looksthe most beautiful abode one can possibly imagine andI understand that insideit is even more romantic going back to the fifteenth century He was a little startled when I pointed out to him that no one will be allowed tobuy a foreign property across the exchange perhapsfor many years
He beggedme to stay onhere as long as I likebutI think I shall come back the 18th or 19thIam doubtful whetherI shall stop in ParisIexpect in another ten or eleven daysI shall be verykeen to get home again Sarah has been a great joy and gets on with everybody She andI both drive the speedboats They are a wonderful wayof getting about this lake and far safer than theawfulwindingroads aroundwhichtheItalians career with motorcars and lorries at all sorts ofspeeds and angles
Charles plays golfmost days There is a verypretty link here and he has fierce contests withhimself or against Ogier His devoted care ofme isdeeply touching
You maybe amused to see the elaborate form in which your telegram whichI rejoiced to receivetodaywas sent
His dictation over Churchill continued
in his own handwriting
My Darling I think a great deal of you lastnight when I was driving the speed-boat back therecame into mymind your singing to meIn theGloaming years ago What a sweet songtunehowbeautifully you sang it in all its pathos My heart thrills and I love to feel you near me in thought Ifeelso tenderlytowards you mydarlingthe more pleasantagreeable the scenesdays the moreI wish you were here to share them give me a kiss
You seeI have nearly forgotten how to writewith a penIsn't awful my scribbles
Miss Layton has heard from herboy-friendin S Africa that she is to go out therenotCanada immediately ifpossible to marry him Soshe is very happy Yesterday the South Africanofficers came from their hoteltook her out towater-plane behind their speed boat She look edvery handsome whirling along in the watermadethree large circles in front of the villa before shetumbled in Sarah is writing you now The DB isstarting Always your loving husband

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:08:28 | 显示全部楼层















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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:08:36 | 显示全部楼层
13. Winston Churchill to

His Daughter(Mary Churchill)


My darling Mary,

“Many Happy Returns of the Day.” This shd reach you on yr Birthday the 15th: but if it comesearlier or later it carries with it the fondest love ofyr Father. I have watched with admiration&respect the career of distinction&duty wh you have made for yourself during the hard years of thewar.Ilook forward in the days that may be left meto see you happy&glorious in peace. You are a gtjoy to yrmother&me&we are hoping that vy soon you will be living with us at Chartwell andinour newhouse in London. It will be lovelyhavingyou with us.

Here it is sunshine&calm. Ipaint all day&every day&have banished care&disillusionmentto the shades. Alex came&painted too. He is vygood. Monsieur Montag is coming to comment&guide me in a few days. Ihave three nice Picturesso far,&am now off to seek for another. Sarah iswriting you herself.

With all my affection

Your loving Father

Winston S. Churchill
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:08:47 | 显示全部楼层







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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:08:54 | 显示全部楼层
14.Climentine Churchill to

Her Husband(Winston Churchill)


My Darling,

I'm so distressed about the truss——I hope itis comfortable&does not worry you.Did you strain yourself or stretch unduly, and will you nowbe able to do your exercises which are so potent a preventative of indigestion? Please take great careof yourself.

I have big news.Mary is home from Germany for good&has applied for a position in London ornearby. It's very good of her because she was having a thrilling time in Germany. She asked tobe sent home so that she could be near us. Andthey granted her request.She rang me up from Tilbury,&said‘I'm home for good’. I think shemay be demobilized in February——I feel warmed& comforted by her presence.

I'm so happy to see from your letter that youare enjoying the beauty of the Lakes& the comfort&elegance of the Villa. Ihave had a most amusingletter from Sarah describing her apricot coloured&mirrored bathroom.

Work is progressing rather slowly, but I hope surely, on the Chartwell&London fronts——Whitbread is industrious&thorough& smiling.Max's hens are beautiful&have laid a few(a veryfew) eggs, of exquisite flavour but of diminutive size——about the size of a pigeon's egg.So we have to give two instead of one, to those who areregistered with us.But Moppett says,they will get bigger&more numerous presently.

No German prisoners yet till after the Harvest .It will be lovely when the lake camouflage is gone&also the barbed wire.

Your Pal,Damaskinos is here being entertained by Mr Attlee&Crankie. I see Anthony Eden attended the dinner.

I must hurry because your mail is just off. I'm sending 2 bottles of brandy as requested.I hope they are the right sort?

I enclose a cutting from the DT.

Your loving

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:09:02 | 显示全部楼层













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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:09:12 | 显示全部楼层
15.Albert Schweitzer

to His Parents(Ⅰ)



Wednesday, 2∶00 P. M.

22 October,1908

My dear parents,

The worst is behind us!That was last night's organ concert and the lecture preceding it.Quite frankly I was somewhat worried about this lecture since I am not used to giving long talks in French… and the hall is enormous: three thousand people. But to my amazement I discovered that I felt as much at home in French as I do in German,and that it was easier for me to speak loudly andclearlyin Frenchthan in German!Istood there without a manuscript, and within three minutes I sensed thatI had captured my audience more surely than I had ever done before. I spoke forfifty-five minutes, and next came an organ recital that lasted for one hour. I have never been sosuccessful.When the program ended, they allremained in their seats: I had to go back to myorgan and play for another half hour; the audiencewas sorryto leave… it was half-past midnight!

Here, the concerts are announced for 9∶15,but at that time there's not a soul in the auditorium;toward 9∶30 the first few peoplearrive, strolling about in the hall and the lobby,and toward ten o'clock, after three rings of a bell,the people deign to finally take their seats!

On Saturday, a grand concert with organ andorchestra is scheduled in the morning, and I have long rehearsals in the evening, for the organ isvery difficult to play since the sound is always delayed. Luckily. I am well rested, and I am managing to overcome the difficulties. Absolutely everyone addresses me as“chèr ma re”;the artcritics settle down in the auditorium during rehearsals; my portrait is displayed in the musicstores. It's such fun.

I am staying with Walter at the premier hotelonthe grandsquare with splendid palm trees.I have a view of the square and the entire city all theway to the big mountains forty minutes away fromhere;they are as high as the Hohnack.I walk overto them every afternoon;it takes me a total of twohours.

The weather is the same as at home on a lovely June day.The men who were waiting for me at the railroad station roared with laugher whenthey saw walter and me in overcoats.

As I am writing to you,the square below my window is filled with a terrible din.The king isarriving in an hour,and the troops are now takingup their positions. Tomorrow evening there will bea grand gala performance at the theater. Ihavebeen invited, butI am not going; Iwant to rest,forI feel too well to risk my excellent condition.

I will close now, otherwise the letter won't goofftonight. Ithas to be at thepost officebyfour o'clock. There is no night trainto France.

Please forward this letter to the Ehretsmannsandto the Woytts.

Hugs and kisses,

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:09:20 | 显示全部楼层















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