哈哈哈哈哈 发现小芸姐姐又奖豆豆给我了
Caress n. 爱抚 亲吻 v. 爱抚 抚摸 宠爱
Conjugal caress 夫妇间的恩爱
His very words were caress 他的话就是爱抚
The music caressed the ear 音乐亲切悦耳
He is caressed by his superiors 他受上级青睐
Carry v. 运输
【词组】carry away 使••激动失去自制力 吸引住
He let his anger let him away 他怒不可遏
The film was so wonderful that she was completely carried away. 影片十分精彩,她完全被吸引住了
Carry off 赢得 成功的处理
Mary carried off the first prize in the contest. 玛丽在竞赛中获得头奖
It was a really embarrassing situation,but he carried it off well.那确实是一个尴尬的场面,但是他很容易就应付过去了
Cash n. 现金 v.把••兑现
【词组】cash down 用现金支付
Ted had saved enough to buy the car cash down.ted已经存够了买那辆车的现金
Cash in on 靠••赚钱 利用
Let’s cash in on the fine weather and go out for the day. 让我们利用大好的天气出去玩一天吧
Cast v. 投 扔 为••选演员,铸造 n 演员
Cast a stone 扔石头
Cast an anchor 抛锚
Cast dice 掷骰子
Cast a glance at 向••瞧一瞧
Cast a spell on the audience 使听众着迷
Casual a. 偶然的 无计划的 随意的
A casual meeting 邂逅
Casual behavior 不拘礼节的行为
A casual worker 临时工
Casualty n. 伤亡人员 受害者
Both sides incurred heavy casualties.双方均遭受惨重伤亡
Heat casualty 中暑者
Catching a. 传染性的 有感染力的
Is my cold catching, doctor?医生,我的感冒会传染吗?
Her laughter was the most catching I have ever heard.她的笑声是我听过的最具感染力的 |