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[英语学习] 《英语名人家书》 英汉对照

 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:11:50 | 显示全部楼层














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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:11:59 | 显示全部楼层
24.Ernest Hemingway to His



Hendaye,France,14 September 1927

Dear Dad:

Thanks very much for your letter and forforwarding the letter to Uncle Tyley.I had a goodletter from him yesterday.You cannot know howbadly I feel about having caused you and Mother somuch shame and suffering——but I could not writeyou about all of my and Hadley's troubles even if itwere the thing to do.It takes two weeks for a letterto cross the Atlantic and I have tried not totransfer all the hell I have been through to anyoneby letter.I love Hadley and I love Bumby——Hadley and I split up——I did not desert her norwas I committing adultery with anyone.I wasliving in the apartment with Bumby——lookingafter him while Hadley was away on a trip and itwas when she came back from this trip that shedecided she wanted the definite divorce.We arranged everything and there was no scandal andno disgrace.Our trouble had been going on for along time.It was entirely my fault and it is no one's business.I have nothing but love admirationand respect for Hadley and while we are busted upI have not in any way lost Bumby.He lived withme in Switzerland after the divorce and he iscoming back in November and will spend thiswinter with me in the mountains.

You are fortunate enough to have only been inlove with one woman in your life.For over a year Ihad been in love with two people and had beenabsolutely faithful to Hadley.When Hadley decidedthat we had better get a divorce the girl with whomI was in love was in America.I had not heard fromher for almost two months.In her last letter shehad said that we must not think of each other butof Hadley.You refer to“Love Pirates,”“personswho break up your home etc.”and you know that Iam hot tempered but I know that it is easy to wishpeople in Hell when you know nothing of them.Ihave seen,suffered,and been through enough sothat I do not wish anyone in Hell.It is because I donot want you to suffer with ideas of shame anddisgrace that I now write all this.We have not seenmuch of each other for a long time and in themeantime our lives have been going on and therehas been a year of tragedy in mine and I know youcan appreciate how difficult and almost impossibleit is for me to write about it.

After we were divorced if Hadley would havewanted me I would have gone back to her.She saidthat things were better as they were and that wewere both better off.I will never stop lovingHadley nor Bumby nor will I cease to look afterthem.I will never stop loving Pauline Pfeiffer towhom I am married.I have now responsibility toward three people instead of one.Please understand this and know that it doesn't make iteasier to write about it.I do understand how hardit is for you to have to make explanations andanswer questions and not hear from me.I am arotten correspondent and it is almost impossible forme to write about my private sffairs.Withoutseeking it——through the success of my books——all the profits of which I have turnedover to Hadley——both in America,England,Germany and the Scandinavian countries——because of all this there is a great deal of talk.I payno attention to any of it and neither must you.Ihave had come back to me stories people have toldabout me of every fantastic and scandalous sort——all without foundation.These sorts ofstories spring up about all writers——ball players——popular evangelists or any publicperformers.But it is through the desire to keep myown private life to myself——to give no explanations to anybody——and not to be a publicperformer personally that I have unwittingly caused you great anxiety.The only way I couldkeep my private life to myself was to keep it tomyself——and I did owe you and Mother a statement on it.But I can't write about it all thetime.

I know you don't like the sort of thing I writebut that is the difference in our taste and all thecritics are not Fanny Butcher.I know that I am notdisgracing you in my writing but rather doingsomething that some day you will be proud of.Ican't do it all at once.I feel that eventually my lifewill not be a disgrace to you either.It also takes along time to unfold.

You would be so much happier and I would too if you could have confidence in me.When people ask about me,say that Ernie never tells usanything about his private life or even where he isbut only writes that he is working hard.Don't feelresponsible for what I write or what I do.I take theresponsibility,I make the mistakes and I take thepunishment.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:12:13 | 显示全部楼层
25.Ernest Hemingway to

His Daughter(Mary Hemingway)


Torcello,20 November1948

Dearest Kittner:

Been working hard and missing you harder.Nomails today at all.I wrote you day before yest andforwarded a letter from your family to theExcelsior in Firenze today.Now writing you justat sun-set.Been beautiful fall weather ever sincethe day you left.I went shooting with Emilio andshot 25 small birds and we might have gotten twoducks as four flashed over us very low but wereeating lunch when it happened.Might have missedthem too.

Have my correspondence all done except forletter to[Alfred]Rice.Then will do the article.May do the article and then Rice since will have togo into Venice to get Power of Attorney notarized. Wrote Charley Ritz too.

There is a big duck shoot either tomorrow(Sunday)a.m.or else Monday.Emilio is going tolet me know tonight.Hope it's Monday as myshoulder is sore from those high,straight up and down shots.I think those are probably quite heavyloads of the light shot.Can really shoot that overand under now.Haven't started learning the doubleyet.

Believe magazines etc.held up by the dockstrike.They say over 50 000 sacks of mail on thedocks in NY.But you read the papleys too sowon't Kalten born the news to you.

Your last pictures(the tower etc.) came outexcellently.Got them last night.

No more word from Childies.

Hope your news was good.

I've been trying to stay awake and read untilmidnight or one a.m.

No local news.Mooky's foot got ok.Ateoutdoors in the sun today and he kept his head inmy lap all through lunch;clams,sole,white riceplain.Bobby the other dog,Crazy's brother,can situp to beg and also make a how do you do and aFancy Meeting You.

There's nobody living here now.Today threecouples for lunch though;a character who waseither a fairy or a cinema star or both withreconditioned woman(fenders straightened,badpaint job),a sort of Brusadelli type with woman tomatch and a brace of Belgiums.I can now tell the travelling Belgium as far as can smell them.

Best to all your friends.Love to my kitten.Begood and have good fun.It's dark now and theshooting has started.Been trying to think what aBelgium smells like(the post-war travellingBelgiums)think it is a blend of traitorous King,toe jam,un-washed navels,old bicycle saddles,(sweated),paving stones,and eminently soundmoney with a touch of leek soup and cooking parsnips.

I love you dearest kittner and miss you very,very very very,very,very much.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:12:32 | 显示全部楼层
26.Adele De Leeuw to

Her Sister(I)


My dearest,

You've gone.And I can never get you backagain——except by talking to you.It's childish,Iknow.But perhaps it will give me some relief fromthe pent-up sorrow that makes me feel as if myheart will burst.

How often we gently scorned the people whoused euphemisms for death!“She has left us.”“Hehas passed over.”Where was their strength,wewondered,that they could not acknowledge deathfor what it was,and speak of it as death?I understand them a little better now.But at least Iwill demand of myself the will to call death by itsown name.

I know what they were trying to do.Theywere attempting to conceal the ultimate finality...at least until they could bear it.Nature bestows anumbness on us at first,giving us time to adjust tothe brutal truth.But the numbness does not lastlong enough,and the truth breaks through the veiland stabs us again and again.

Friends have been marvelous.They have surrounded me with affection and concern;theytalk or fall silent as they perceive my mood;theybring gifts of flowers or themselves;they plan littleoutings and include me in their gatherings.Theywrite letters that make the tears stream down myface,because they appreciated you so...they tellme,in warm words,how sweet you were,how brilliant,how witty,how talented,and how blessedthey were to know you.It is a comfort to read oftheir appreciation,to realize that they were awareof all your wonderful qualities.But my loss,as I goover their words,grows greater and greater.I amutterly bereft.I have been abandoned;I feel as if apart of me has been amputated.For we were soclose,we knew each other so well,we were soattuned to each other's moods——different thoughwe were in a dozen respects.

There was one letter that helped me more thanmost.It came from an editor whom you never met.She told me something which has been a kind ofbulwark,for she said,“No one truly dies who isremembered with love.”

And I know this is true.I remember you withlove.I remember everything about you,with undying love.When I think I cannot stand theloneliness any more,something will come to mind,something that I loved in you and it gives me thecourage,if only momentarily,to go on.

So that is what I will do,as I write to you.Iwill think of the things that made our life togetherthe charmed experience it was.I will remember youwith love.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:12:39 | 显示全部楼层










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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:12:46 | 显示全部楼层
27.Adele De Leeuw

to Her Sister(Ⅱ)


My One and Only,

I can scarcely believe that it is a year since you died.In a way it has been the longest year of mylife,and the most terrible,and the darkest.But inanother way it seems only yesterday that I saw youlast...with a faint,beautiful smile on your facebecause you had found peace at last.I stood therebeside the hospital bed,looking down at you as if Icould never have enough...numb with grief as therealization swept over me that I had lost you.

For so many months you had been in pain.Thepoem you wrote about it tore at my heart,for itcame from your heart.You had told me time andagain that you did not fear death,that when it cameyou felt you would welcome it.But you had promised to stay with me as long as you could,andyou had done it,in spite of your wish to go.NowDeath had come as a friend and you were free.

It was I who was bound now.Bound to life,bound to sorrow,forced to go on without you.

I had tried so hard to keep you;I had turnedaway from the inevitable,as if by ignoring it I could vanquish it.Standing beside you I knew atlast what I was faced with,and it seemed morethan I could bear.

It was after that that I began writing to you,and those letters have made me see how much Iowed you and how I gained from you.They havebeen my salvation and perhaps now I am strongenough to go on——not without you,as I hadthought,but with you.For no one,as that perspicacious editor said,is truly dead who isremembered with love.And I have remembered youwith love,with all the love of my heart.

And you are with me.When I sit in the needle- point chair you made,you are there.When I raisemy eyes to the walls where your paintings hang,you are there.When I am at the table and gaze atthe doilies you embroidered,when I lie in bedunder the afghans you crocheted,when I dress fordinner and put on the gold bracelet and theearrings you made for me,you are there.Yourbooks line the shelves,your poems are there to beread over and over,your speaking eyes look out atme from the photograph on my desk.

I can never lose you,my gallant one.I haveonly to remember the laughter we shared,the dayswe spent together,the inspiration of your struggle against pain,the spirit with which you met life,andI am enriched and enobled.Now I know that I cannever lose you because I have remembered youwith love,and you will abide with me to the end of my days.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:12:53 | 显示全部楼层









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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:13:06 | 显示全部楼层
28.Ogden Nash to His Daughter


February 6,1939

My sweet girls,

I wish so that you were here with us.Thenext time we must surely bring you along,soremember to practice your manners and learn to eatall sorts of food.Paris is full of children.Thereare lots of parks,and every park is full of boys andgirls on bicycles and roller skates,or playingfootball and other games all day long.Also,Ithink everybody in Paris has a dog,but none ofthem are as pretty as Spangle.A beautiful river,the Seine,runs right through the middle of thecity,and Mummy and I have already counted 22bridges that cross it.Don't you think that youcould have fun here?The French children are verypolite,as everyone is in France,and I am sure youwould enjoy playing with them;so,Linell,youmust pay great attention to your French teacherand learn very fast,in order to be able tounderstand well when you come here.You mightteach I sabel some of what you learn,too.

There are many,many interesting things tosee here.Paris is a very old city,and todayMummy and I saw a beautiful building, that wasstarted by the Romans more than 1 600 years ago.It is called Cluny.We have also been to theLouvre,a museum now full of the most beautifulpaintings and statues;but years ago the kings andqueens of France used to live there,until theFrench people got angry with them and choppedoff their heads.

This afternoon we went to a beautiful cathedral on an island in the middle of the river.Itis called the Cathedral of  tre Dame,whichmeans the cathedral of Our Lady the Virgin.It ismore than 900 years old,and so high that you canhardly see the top.The windows are of gorgeousstained glass,red and blue and yellow and greenand purple,so that they cast light like a rainbowon the walls.A very good king of France who lived700 years ago and later became Saint Louis wasburied(from) there.Tell Delia that we offered acandle to the Virgin Mary for each of you there,and that we are bringing her back a rosary fromthere also.Mummy and I climbed the tower later.We were very tired when we got to the top,but itwas interesting.Some hideous stone gargoyles were looking right into our faces,so we lookeddown at Paris lying at our feet,aud it wasbeautiful.We could see miles of river,and thebridges and the lovely old buildings.——It iswarmer here than at home,but sometimes the fogis so thick that even the taxi drivers get lost;lastnight three of them ran right off the street and intothe fountains on the Rond Point on the ChampsElysees,which Boppy can tell you about.It musthave been very damp and uncomfortable for thepassengers.

I think you would like the French trains.Werode on one from Le Havre to Paris just like theone that Gaston et Joséphine took when they wereleaving for America.When the engine whistles itsays tweet tweet instead of toot toot,and theporters are very polite.

Yon would like the boat,too.There is a littletheatre where there are puppet shows for childrenevery afternoon,and there is plenty of room to runand play on the decks.Sometimes,when the windblows hard and the sea is rough,the boat joggles alittle bit,but that is good fun,like being in aswing.On our trip there was a little girl only 14years old who is already famous because she playsthe violin so beautifully;her name is Guila Bustabo,and she played for us one night,at thegala concert,where everybody gave money to helpthe old sailors.French sailors have very pinkcheeks indeed,and speak very fast,and I don'tthink they ever get old.really,so I am not surewho got the money.

I must tell you that whenever you walk alongthe banks of the Seine you see dozens of old menfishing with long,1ong poles.I don't think theyever catch anything,but they have a lovely timethinking about what they might catch justsupposing there were any fish there.We'll try itwhen you come here with us;perhaps we'll catchthe first fish ever to be caught there.

I adore you both,my darlings,

and don't forget me.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:13:14 | 显示全部楼层












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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:13:22 | 显示全部楼层
29.Ogden Nash to

His Wife(Frances)


August 27,1929

Frances darling,

I've been reading your letter over all day,it's so dear,even the part that worried me.I imagine that tomorrow morning's mail will tell me what has happened and whether I really upset things.My mind has been constantly on the Cape——I can see you,but I don't know what you are doing and saying,and I want so dreadfully to know.Tell me that everything is all right,and tell me again.I've wanted to telephone,but I know you don't like the telephone,and besides I remember that yours is right out in the middle of everything and conversation is impossible.Damn the distancebetween us!You won't get this until thirty sixhours after I write it.But remember that when Itell you now that I love you I shall be loving youeven more by the time you read the words.LastSunday I couldn't have believed that my love couldever be bigger and stronger than it was then——but it's growing every hour.Can't you feel it?

Yesterday I couldn't do a stroke of work.I was exhausted——burned out——stunned.Theterrific suspense and emotional strain and then theunbelievable happiness left me without much bodyor mind.But today I was myself again,only betterthan ever before;you were the motive for everything.I've never had so much energy.Youhave done that;don't stop.

Haven't you a photograph or even a snapshot of yourself?I want to look at and touch,as I readand touch your letters;it helps bring you a littlecloser.

Frances dear,don't be afraid;it's for me to beafraid;afraid that you are too beautiful,too sweet,too adorable,actually to be mine;afraid that I amnot good enough to make you happy when I haveyou.Yet I'm not really afraid I can't make youhappy;I worship you,and I know that such a lovecan create only happiness.

Tonight I have to read two manuscripts.I tryto believe that it is your hand that turns the pages;that you are sitting and reading with me.It's lovelyhere;real country;with crickets that are doing theirbest to sing your name.

Good night,and I love you,and again,remember when you read it that my love will bethirty-six hours bigger.Have you room for it?Ilove you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:14:07 | 显示全部楼层










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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 17:14:16 | 显示全部楼层
30.John O'hara to His

Daughter(Wylie O'hara)(Ⅰ)



7th January1962,Sunday

My dear:

I have been thinking about our conversation oflast night,and I hope you have too.

1962,in some ways,is Wylie O'hara's Year ofDecision.Some of the decisions you make this yearwill have an important bearing on decisions youmay want to make several years hence.

For example:suppose that when you are 20 or21 you should discover that you want to participatein one of the many activities that will be open toyoung people in the federal or state government.The first thing they will want to know is whateducation and/or training you have had Nowadaysthe minimum,absolute minimum requirement forhundreds of jobs is two years'college,either at afour-year-college or at a junior college.

For another example:you have said that youdon't expect to marry before you are 23.Well,thatis something you can't be sure of,but suppose you do wait till you're 23.Suppose your fiancé-husband is a young man who is taking graduatework at some university——law,medicine,the sciences,government work,etc.—and you and he are living in the vicinity of his graduate school.You may want to do work on the college or the graduate school level yourself,but I assure you youwill not be very enthusiastic about it if you have tostart as a freshman of 23.

Now I could go on at some length,but the point I am aiming at it this:I want you to thinkvery,very seriously about what you are going to doafter St.Tim's.You are not Miss Richbitch.Youare not going to be Miss Churchmouse,either,butyou must think in terms of being able to earn atleast part of your own living.I don't think you aregoing to fall in love with a dumbhead.I think adumbhead,rich or not,would bore the hell out ofyou.Therefore it is extremely likely that the kindof boy you will like and fall in love with is going tobe one who uses his brains to earn his living.Thatalmost automatically means that he will be takingeither graduate work or special post-college training of some sort.And even if you have children right away,you will want to keep up with him intellectually.

I can tell you from my own experience how important it is to have a wife with whom to discuss one's work.My first wife was a Wellesley B.A.and a Columbia M.A.and a diplomat,I think they are called,at the Sorbonne.Your mother did not go to college,but she could have.Sister And your mother both graduated from good schools and took courses at Columbia and your mother even attended lectures at Oxford without having toenroll there.Both your mother and Sister loved toread and read a great deal,and Sister is multilingual.Both your mother and Sister dislikedwomen's colleges,but they did not dislike higherlearning.They formed their dislike of college-girltypes thirty years ago.The type has almostvanished,because the kind of girl your mother andSister were then would be applying for collegetoday.Everybody goes to college.

Now this is what's on my mind:the tentative program you have outlined for yourself does notseem to me very“realistic”in 1962 and 1963 and soon.I am hopeful that you will redirect yourselftoward a good college so that you will get thosetwo minimum-requirement years on your recordand then be able,three years from now,to qualifyfor jobs or continue working for a degree.You will not regret having those two years on your record,whereas you might easily regret not having them.As your father I have a duty to point these thingsout to you.But once I have done that I have toleave the real decision up to you.


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