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发表于 2008-9-1 08:08:56
1101. ride - v. to sit on or in and be carried along; to travel by animal, wheeled vehicle, airplane or boat
1102. right - n. what a person legally and morally should be able to do or have ("It is their right to vote."); ad. agreeing with the facts; good; correct; opposite wrong; on the side that is toward the east when one is facing north; opposite left
1103. riot - v. to act with many others in a violent way in a public place; n. a violent action by a large group of people
1104. rise - v. to go up; to go higher; to increase; to go from a position of sitting or lying to a position of standing
1105. risk - n. the chance of loss, damage or injury
1106. river - n. a large amount of water that flows across land into another river, a lake or an ocean
1107. road - n. a long piece of hard ground built between two places so people can walk, drive or ride easily from one place to the other
1108. rob - v. to take money or property secretly or by force; to steal
1109. rock - n. a hard piece of mineral matter
1110. rocket - n. a device shaped like a tube that moves through air or space by burning gases and letting them escape from the back or bottom, sometimes used as a weapon
1111. roll - v. to turn over and over; to move like a ball
1112. room - n. a separate area within a building with its own walls
1113. root - n. the part of a plant that is under the ground and takes nutrients from the soil
1114. rope - n. a long, thick piece of material made from thinner pieces of material, used for tying
1115. rough - ad. not flat or smooth; having an uneven surface; violent; not made well
1116. round - ad. having the shape of a ball or circle
1117. rub - v. to move something over the surface of another thing
1118. rubber - n. a substance made from the liquid of trees with the same name, or a similar substance made from chemicals
1119. ruin - v. to damage severely; to destroy
1120. rule - v. to govern or control; to decide; n. a statement or an order that says how something must be done
1121. run - v. to move quickly by steps faster than those used for walking
1122. S
1123. sabotage - v. to damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation ("The rebels sabotaged the railroad.")
1124. sacrifice - v. to do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person
1125. sad - ad. not happy
1126. safe - ad. away from harm or danger
1127. sail - v. to travel by boat or ship
1128. sailor - n. a person involved in sailing a boat or ship
1129. salt - n. a white substance found in sea water and in the ground, used to affect the taste of food
1130. same - ad. not different; not changed; like another or others
1131. sand - n. extremely small pieces of crushed rock found in large amounts in deserts and on coasts
1132. satellite - n. a small object in space that moves around a larger object; an object placed in orbit around the earth
1133. satisfy - v. to give or provide what is desired, needed or demanded
1134. save - v. to make safe; to remove from harm; to keep for future use
1135. say - v. to speak; to express in words
1136. school - n. a place for education; a place where people go to learn
1137. science - n. the study of nature and the actions of natural things, and the knowledge gained about them
1138. sea - n. a large area of salt water, usually part of an ocean
1139. search - v. to look for carefully
1140. season - n. one of the four periods of the year that is based on the earth's position toward the sun (spring, summer, autumn, winter); a period of time based on different weather conditions ("dry season", "rainy season"); a period during the year when something usually happens ("baseball season")
1141. seat - n. a thing to sit on; a place to sit or the right to sit there ("a seat in parliament")
1142. second - ad. the one that comes after the first
1143. secret - n. something known only to a few and kept from general knowledge; ad. hidden from others; known only to a few
1144. security - n. freedom from danger or harm; protection; measures necessary to protect a person or place ("Security was increased in the city.")
1145. see - v. to know or sense through the eyes; to understand or know
1146. seed - n. the part of a plant from which new plants grow
1147. seek(ing) - v. to search for ("They are seeking a cure for cancer."); to try to get ("She is seeking election to public office."); to plan to do ("Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal.")
1148. seem - v. to appear to be ("She seems to be in good health.")
1149. seize - v. to take quickly by force; to take control of quickly; to arrest
1150. self - n. all that which makes one person different from others
1151. sell - v. to give something in exchange for money
1152. Senate - n. the smaller of the two groups in the governments of some countries, such as in the United States Congress
1153. send - v. to cause to go; to permit to go; to cause to be carried, taken or directed to or away from a place
1154. sense - v. to come to know about by feeling, believing or understanding; n. any of the abilities to see, hear, taste, smell or feel
1155. sentence - v. to declare the punishment for a crime; n. the punishment for a crime
1156. separate - v. to set or keep people, things or ideas away from or independent from others; ad. not together or connected; different
1157. series - n. a number of similar things or events that follow one after another in time, position or order
1158. serious - ad. important; needing careful consideration; dangerous
1159. serve - v. to work as an official; to be employed by the government; to assist or help
1160. service - n. an organization or system that provides something for the public ("Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes."); a job that an organization or business can do for money; military organizations such as an army, navy or air force; a religious ceremony
1161. set - v. to put in place or position; to establish a time, price or limit
1162. settle - v. to end (a dispute); to agree about (a problem); to make a home in a new place
1163. several - ad. three or more, but not many
1164. severe - ad. not gentle; causing much pain, sadness or damage
1165. sex - n. either the male or female group into which all people and animals are divided because of their actions in producing young; the physical activity by which humans and animals can produce young
1166. shake - v. to move or cause to move in short, quick movements
1167. shape - v. to give form to; n. the form of something, especially how it looks
1168. share - v. to give part of something to another or others; n. a part belonging to, given to or owned by a single person or a group; any one of the equal parts of ownership of a business or company
1169. sharp - ad. having a thin edge or small point that can cut or hurt; causing hurt or pain
1170. she - pro. the girl or woman who is being spoken about
1171. sheep - n. a farm animal used for its meat and hair
1172. shell - v. to fire artillery; n. a metal container that is fired from a large gun and explodes when it reaches its target; a hard outside cover
1173. shelter - v. to protect or give protection to; n. something that gives protection; a place of safety
1174. shine - v. to aim a light; to give bright light; to be bright; to clean to make bright
1175. ship - v. to transport; n. a large boat
1176. shock - v. to cause to feel sudden surprise or fear; n. something that greatly affects the mind or emotions; a powerful shake, as from an earthquake
1177. shoe - n. a covering for the foot
1178. shoot - v. to cause a gun or other weapon to send out an object designed to kill; to use a gun
1179. short - ad. lasting only for a small period of time; not long; opposite tall
1180. should - v. used with another verb (action word) to show responsibility ("We should study."), probability ("The talks should begin soon."), or that something is believed to be a good idea ("Criminals should be punished.")
1181. shout - v. to speak very loudly
1182. show - v. to make something be seen; to make known; n. a play or story presented in a theater, or broadcast on radio or television, for enjoyment or education; something organized to be seen by the public
1183. shrink - v. to make or become less in size, weight or value
1184. sick - ad. suffering physically or mentally with a disease or other problem; not in good health
1185. sickness - n. the condition of being in bad health
1186. side - n. the outer surfaces of an object that are not the top or bottom; parts away from the middle; either the right or left half of the body
1187. sign - v. to write one's name; n. a mark or shape used to mean something; evidence that something exists or will happen; a flat piece of material with writing that gives information
1188. signal - v. to send a message by signs; n. an action or movement that sends a message
1189. silence - v. to make quiet; to stop from speaking or making noise; n. a lack of noise or sound
1190. silver - n. a valued white metal
1191. similar - ad. like something else but not exactly the same
1192. simple - ad. easy to understand or do; not difficult or complex
1193. since - prep. from a time in the past until now ("I have known her since we went to school together.")
1194. sing - v. to make music sounds with the voice
1195. single - ad. one only
1196. sink - v. to go down into water or other liquid
1197. sister - n. a female with the same father or mother as another person
1198. sit - v. to rest on the lower part of the body without the support of the legs; to become seated
1199. situation - n. the way things are during a period of time
1200. size - n. the space occupied by something; how long, wide or high something is |