发表于 2006-10-25 07:14:48
帮着查了一下词典,以下是所有的に的格助用法。呵呵,例句不少的哦~ 而且都有英文解释。
1 〔場所〕at; in
戸口にたたずむ stand at the door / stand in the doorway
伯父の家に滞在している I am staying at my uncle's. / I am staying with my uncle.
25番地に住んでいる I live at No.25.
太陽は西に沈む The sun sets in the west.
姉は大阪に住んでいる My sister lives in Osaka.
人形を箱に入れた She put the doll in a box.
もう家に入りなさい Go 「in [into] the house now.
タオルを水につけた I soaked my towel in water.
紙に名前を書きなさい Write your name on the paper.
左側に肉屋がある There's a butcher's on the left.
壁によりかかった He leaned against the wall.
窓辺に人が立っている A man is standing by the window.
2 〔方向〕to;〔目的地〕for
明日京都に行く Tomorrow I am going to Kyoto.
九州に向けて発った He left for Kyushu.
昨日ローマに(港に)着いた He arrived 「in Rome (at the harbor) yesterday.
いつ家に帰りつきますか When will you get home?
次の角で左に曲りなさい Turn (to the) left at the next corner.
3 〔時〕at; on; in (一般的に,時刻は at,日付は on,月・年・時代は inを用いる)
1時に at one (o'clock)
正午(夜明け)に at 「noon (dawn)
10歳の時に at (the age of) ten / at ten years of age / when I was ten
午前中に[朝に] in the morning
真夜中に in the middle of the night
3月に in March
1960年に in (the year) 1960
7月2日の朝に 「on the morning of [in the morning on] the second of July
日曜日に on Sunday
晩年に in one's 「later [last] years / toward the end of one's life
古代(現代)に in 「ancient (modern) times
江戸時代に in the Edo period
彼は3年後に帰国するはずだ He is due to return home 「in three years [in three years' time].
4 〔割合〕
この雑誌は1年に4回発行される This magazine is issued four times 「a [per] year.
総会は3年に1度開かれる The general assembly is held 「once in three years [every three years].
10人に1人が試験に合格した One out of ten passed the examination.
5 〔比較,関係〕
前記に同じ the same as the above-mentioned
それはこれに劣る That is 「inferior to this [worse than this].
人生はよく川にたとえられる Life is often 「likened [compared] to a river.
兄に比べると背が低い Compared with his brother, he is rather short.
その事件に関係している He 「is connected [has something to do] with that incident.
スキャンダルに巻き込まれた He was involved in a scandal.
6 〔理由,原因〕for; with
恥ずかしさに赤面した She blushed for shame.
うれしさに躍り上がった He danced 「for [with] joy.
寒さにふるえた They shivered with cold.
彼らは飢えに苦しんでいた They were suffering from hunger.
警報に驚いた We were startled by the alarm.
7 〔…として〕as; for
親切にしてもらったお礼(の印)に彼らを招待した He invited them 「as a token of his gratitude for [in return for] their kindness.
誕生祝いに時計をもらった He was given a watch for his birthday.
8 〔添加,反復〕
10に3を加える add three to ten
伯父に叔母にその息子たちが来た My uncle and aunt and their sons came.
紅茶にもっと砂糖を入れたら Why don't you put more sugar in the tea?
夜を日についで働き続ける work 「night and day [day and night]
彼は走りに走った He ran and ran.
9 〔変化の対象〕
大人になる grow up (to be a man) / become an adult
病気になる become [fall] ill / 《米》get sick
彼ならいい大工になるだろう He will 「become [make] a good carpenter.
このぶどうはぶどう酒にするのです We make wine from these grapes. / These grapes are made into wine.
10 〔動作の対象〕
山に登る climb a mountain
駅で友達に会った I met a friend of mine at the station.
息子に本を与えた I gave 「my son a book [a book to my son].
知らない人に話しかけた He spoke to a stranger.
妹にハンドバッグを買ってあげた I bought 「my sister a handbag [a handbag for my sister].
伯父に電話をかけた I telephoned my uncle. / I called my uncle on the phone.
彼にたよってはいけない Don't 「depend [rely] on him.
11 〔行為の目的〕
旅行に出掛ける go on a trip
散歩に行く go for a walk
川へ釣り(泳ぎ)に行く go 「fishing (swimming) in a river
玄関にだれが来たか見に行きなさい Go 「and [to] see who is at the door.
12 〔動作主〕
彼にだまされた I was fooled by him.
あの男に財布を取られた That man stole my wallet. / I was robbed of my wallet by that man.
その話はみんなに知られている The story is known to everybody.
それは誰に聞きましたか From whom did you hear that? / Who told you about it?
13 〔…に関して〕
彼は公徳心に欠けている He is lacking in a sense of public morality.
青年は活力に満ちていた The youth was full of vitality.
14 〔状態〕
二つの線は直角に交わっている The two lines cross each other at right angles.
垣根(ガラス戸)越しにその男を見た I looked at the man 「over the fence (through the glass door).
一言も言わずに出て行った He went out without saying a word.
Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary, Second edition ゥ Shogakukan 1986,1993/プログレッシブ和英中辞典 第2版 ゥ小学館 1986,1993 |