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vibram fivefingers

发表于 2010-8-29 16:11:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

if taken on the longer than on the shorter period, and that 19
vibram five fingers weeks is not longer than animals are frequently kept upon the same food when fattening for the market. On the other hand, it may be urged, in reference to the malt, that, in practice, it would not be continued so long without change or further mixture with other food ; vibram fivefingers and indeed, it would seem probable that, however genial to the health and tastes of the animals malt may be when employed only to a limited extent, yet after a time it loses its beneficial effects, probably nauseating to some extent by virtue of the large amount vibram five fingers sale of sugar it contains.From Table 7, we learn that the average quantities of dryorganic-matter consumed weekly to 100 lbs. live weight of animal, were, vibram five fingers kso in Pens 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, in round numbers 16§, 15f, 16J, and 164 lbs.—amounts which, when the difference in the qualities of the food are considered, are probably very nearly identical, so far as the supply of the convertible nonnitrogenous organic substances is concerned.- vibram five fingers shoes The mean of these is about 16J lbs., an amount which, as we shall see more in detail when the results of the several series of experiments are brought together, is about one-third more than was consumed in the case of Series I., notwithstanding that the mean temperature of the period of the latter was 40*6, and that of this 2nd series 58 "4. The fact is, however, to be explained by a consideration of the character of the foods employed in the two cases. In Series I. swedes were the standard food, and in Series II. cloverhay, which, compared with the former, would contain a very large amount of inert woody fibre, and hence a much larger amount of gross dry organic substance was taken into the stomachs of the animals, to supply the same amount of that which would be subservient to maintaining the heat or promoting the increase of the body.Looking, on the other hand, to the consumption of nitrogen in the several pens by a given weight five fingers shoes of animal in a given time, we find here, as in the former series, a want of coincidence in this respect, the amount, as shown in the Table, being, in the first pen. 0-60 ; in the second, 0-51 ; in the third, 0*41 ; and in the fourth, 0"401b. It may be observed, however, that the order of vibram five fingers shoes increase in the pens is that of the assumption of nitrogen within a given time, though the amount of it is not in exact proportion to that of the nitrogenous Mbt shoes clearance supply.


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