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发表于 2010-9-26 01:44:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The tertiary formation is mostly calcareous. The " Paris Basin" Discount Ugg boots is a remarkable instance of it, forming an irregular trapezium : the boundary of it passes through Orleans, Laon, Beauvais, and Chartres. A still larger tertiary district is found at the foot of the Pyrenees, including almost all the valleys of the Adour and Garonne. There are others in the valleys of the Loire, Rhine, and* * Claret and Olives: from the Garonuc to the Rhone.' By A. B. Reach. London, 1853.Allier. The most extensive alluvial district is that around the mouth of the Rhone. Here we find a vast extent of lagoon and marsh, and the low ground extends along the course of the river as high as Lyons. It is in this district, situated between the Rhone and the Saone, that the late disastrous floods overran a wide surface of country. The basins of the rivers are generally fertile, especially those of the Seine, the Loire, and the Garonne. The provinces of Maine, Anjou, Touraine, and Orleannois, all situated within the basin of the Loire, are among the richest in the kingdom.It may be stated in a few words that the northern provinces of France, with the exception of Bretagne, are generally very fertile, and certainly the best Moncler jackets cultivated. The midland provinces are in many cases mountainous, and therefore, while affording herbage for cattle, are but little tilled. The south-western provinces are mostly barren, especially Gascony and part of Guienne. Here the Landes form one of the wildest parts of France. Excepting here and there small patches of poor, ill-cultivated land, the whole country Ugg Boots sale is a solitary desert, black with pine wood, or white with vast plains of shifting sand. Low, dreary swamps alternate with heath-covered hills. The sand-storms are most disastrous ; the whole face of the country is changed by them in an incredibly short time. Moncler The shepherds in their daily work are seen walking about on stilts, at a pace of from five to seven miles an hour. Poitou, though not so utterly desolate as Gascony, is but little more fertile, and contrasts strongly with the vine-growing provinces of Champagne, Burgundy, Moncler outlet and Guienne.It might not unnaturally be expected that in a paper treating of French agriculture some account should be given of the rotation of crops adopted in France. This information is, however, by Vibram five fingers no means easy to obtain. For in the first place, France being, as has been stated, a country of such physical diversity, facts* These figures are somewhat too high according to the last cadastre.relating to one district would be inapplicable to another. The Norman grazier has scarcely anything in common with the shepherd of Auvergne. Vibram five fingers sale The root and cereal cropping of the northern provinces would form no guide to a proper appreciation of the vine and olive husbandry of the sub-Pyrenean regions. Nor is this all. France being for the most part a country of the petite culture, the owner of each little estate ranging from five to thirty acres pursues his own course of cultivation without regard to the three-fold or four-course systems that regulate the practice of the English farmer. Upon such small properties the spade is the chief implement; thus there is no room for the commercial enterprise that enters so largely into British agriculture, and we shall meet with few of the appliances and mechanical contrivances that we may find in any one county of England. It should be borne in mind, when attempting an estimate of French farming, that there is one crop occupying a very considerable portion of the soil—the beetroot—which is raised not chiefly as food for cattle, but mainly for the manufacture of sugar.* This plant and the potato, which is the favourite crop in miniature farms, cover a vast extent of ground.One other point should be noticed before proceeding to details. ugg classic tall boots The metayer system of rents is still common in France. There seems no reason why political economists should contend so fiercely on this matter, i Viewed correctly, the metayage is nothing more than a produce rent, which is by no means unknown in our own country, and which, indeed, is the very system that some of our most eminent northern agriculturists are desirous to extend. The landlord finds capital, or in France that which is equivalent to capital,—seeds, tools, and stock; he receives in return a rent which is paid wholly in produce, generally ugg classic short boots amounting to one-half of what is raised from the farm.


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