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[天声人语] 天声人语 2012.1.11 购地巨款从何而来

发表于 2012-1-12 11:07:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    VOX POPULI: Ozawa political legacy that of 'destroyer'
     It is perhaps the best known residential lot in Japan nowadays. I am referring to a piece of land in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward bought by an organization that manages former Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa's political funds. Every time questions are raised over Ozawa's political funds, the lot appears on television with aerial photos and reporters giving on-the-spot coverage. When I visited the lot on Jan. 10, the hedges bordering it were overgrown and the site made me think of an old battlefield.

     The land is supposedly the site of a planned dormitory for Ozawa's aides. In autumn 2004, Ozawa told Lower House member Tomohiro Ishikawa, who was his aide at the time, that he would put up the money and handed him 400 million yen ($5.2 million) to buy it. This point is undisputed, but explanations about where the money came from have repeatedly changed.
    Was the money donations, loans or personal assets? Ishikawa's explanation was also evasive: "The only answer I can give is that it was money that Mr. Ozawa saved over a long time."In the trial over falsifying the source of the money on political fund reports of Ozawa's fund management organization, the defendant Ozawa tried to give a final answer: "The money is cash I inherited from my parents, royalties from my books and my salary as a Diet member."
     While a sense of money differs among individuals, 400 million yen exceeds the average income for life. There is no way he doesn't remember how he received and spent it. Had he promptly given a proper explanation in the Diet, chances are he could have escaped the humiliation of a mandatory indictment.
     "My interest is about the state of the world," Ozawa also said. The money was kept in preparation for a political reorganization, and his aides are well versed in election affairs. Just as signs of political upheaval were beginning to emerge, how could he let the land lie barren as it could have been used to raise fund as well as for his personnel. Perhaps this is how he feels.
    If he is found innocent this spring, he might be planning to follow the opposite path of his mentor, Kakuei Tanaka (1918-1993), a prime minister who was involved in a string of scandals, so as to serve the nation for a final time. Tanaka ended his life as a criminal defendant after he stepped down from office. I don't know how many attempts Ozawa made in the past, but nothing comes out of politics that revolves around someone called a destroyer. It is like a residential lot left unattended.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 11





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