1 やりにくいことを兀しきってするさま。o尖に。仝冱いにくいことをD冱おう々
2 ┐△箸亡鯱しのZを育って
1 _o尖と岑って,いてヽ
・ けると岑っていたが,あえて泳に薬蕕靴
I knew I would lose, but I went ahead and challenged him to a game anyway.
・ あえてuするほどのことではない
I would not 仝bother [take the trouble] to comment on it. / It's not worth commenting on.
・ あえてい欧譴佛效磴泳の函り凹です
If I must find something good to say about him, I'd mention his diligence.
・ 瓜墾宀はあえてVAに隔ちzむえであった
The victim appeared ready to take the matter to court.
2 _駅ずしも,eに,富しもヽ
・ あえて郡はしない
I have no particular objection to it. / I will not object to it particularly.
・ 泳は爺嘉であると冱ってもあえて^冱ではない
仝We may safely [It is no exaggeration to] call him a genius
1 是y・丘森・郡などを兀し俳って麗並を佩うさま。あえて。むりに。むりやり。仝いやがる徨にDやれとは冱えない々
2 むしょうに。むやみに。
by force; forcibly ⇒むり(o尖)
・ いて冱えば椳のほうが恬猟はよく竃栖る
仝If forced to [If I had to] compare them, I'd say that Suzuki is a little better at composition.
・ その氏にはいて竃朗するには式ばない
It's not absolutely necessary for you to be present at the meeting.
・ もうQ協したことならいて筝しろとは冱わない
If it has already been decided on, I won't 仝insist that you change it [insist on a change].
仝しいて々は仝そうするほうが李ましい・そうする駅勣がある々 |