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Chasing Time--James Blunt

已有 370 次阅读2007-5-1 10:09

“伦敦地铁爆炸案后隔一天我认识这个声音!英雄是时势造出来的吗?还是你创造出的一根漂流木?在沉沦的时刻足以挽救你,像他歌里的天使,在地铁站凝望你,保护你的心。我要推荐这张唱片,聆听的感觉是一场奇妙的经验”…歌手 陈绮贞

“James Blunt他的歌声 仿佛有一种魔力 勾起我们淡淡的感伤 若有似无的愁怅绝赞的专辑 5颗星星满分推荐”…HITFM 活力DJ 阿娟

“早就过了胡乱忧伤掉眼泪的年纪了,但是 James Blunt就是有那个办法让你掉泪。可以简单的就用他的声音打动你,光是听到第一句:“My life is brilliant”应该就可以让很多人痛哭流涕了吧!第一次听到他的歌 You're beautiful,出现了一种莫名的感伤,从他的声音,从他的旋律,从他表达的方式,就是这么简单。”…Hit FM Love DJ Christine 福怡

“就像许多善于结合文字,音符与歌声的前辈一样,James Blunt在指尖弹着滑动着拨弄着生活中,许多过了就忘但捕捉下来就很深刻的火光。词藻不见得华丽,但字里行间都是暖呼呼的真挚,佐以高明的写歌技巧,以及自然的嗓音,敲着跟他有着相近频率的心。”…HIT FM 马路DJ Elsa
“单凭那以钢琴伴奏、颇有经典气味的压轴曲No Bravery,便已说明当下的James Blunt现象,未来还很多可期待。”…

《you are beautiful》 -----来自“上尉诗人”James Blunt

My life is brilliant.
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause Ill never be with you.

Yes, she caught my eye,
As I walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause Ill never be with you.

(La-la-la-la, La-la-la-la, La-la-la-la, Laaah)

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel, with a smile on her face,
When she thought that I should be with you.

But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.






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