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已有 1130 次阅读2007-5-14 08:36




cognitive grammar
Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia       

Cognitive grammar
Cognitive grammar is an influential cognitive approach to language developed since 1976 by Ronald Langacker. Langacker develops the central ideas of cognitive grammar in his seminal, two-volume Foundations of cognitive grammar, which became a major departure point for the emerging field of cognitive linguistics. Cognitive grammar treats human languages as consisting solely of semantic units, phonological units, and symbolic units (conventional pairings of phonological and semantic units). Like  construction grammar (developed by Langacker's student Adele Goldberg), and unlike many mainstream linguistic theories, cognitive grammar extends the notion of symbolic units to the grammar of languages. Langacker further assumes that linguistic structures are motivated by general cognitive processes. In formulating his theory, he makes extensive use of principles of gestalt psychology and draws analogies between linguistic structure and aspects of visual perception.

        Wikipedia 曰本語 - フリー百科事典       
認知言語学 (にんちげんごがく) は、人間の認知活動の一部としての言語を通して、人間と文化の本質を探究する言語学の一分野。主に意味を扱うので認知意味論ともいう。



ジョージ・レイコフ(George P. Lakoff 1941年-)はアメリカの言語学者。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授。

レイコフは1980年、マーク・ジョンソンとの共著Metaphors We Live Byで、「議論は戦争である」「良いことは上である」「考えは食べ物である」などのメタファーのパターンが曰常言語に溢れていることを指摘した。

Ronald Langacker
Ronald W. Langacker (born December 27, 1942) is an American linguist and professor emeritus at the University of California, San Diego. He is best known as one of the founders of the cognitive linguistics movement and the creator of Cognitive Grammar.

Langacker received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1966. From 1966 until 2003, he was professor of linguistics at the University of California, San Diego. From 1997 until 1999 he also served as president of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association.

Langacker develops the central ideas of Cognitive Grammar in his seminal, two-volume Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, which became a major departure point for the emerging field of Cognitive Linguistics. Cognitive Grammar treats human languages as consisting solely of semantic units, phonological units, and symbolic units (conventional pairings of phonological and semantic units). Like  Construction Grammar, and unlike many mainstream linguistic theories, Cognitive Grammar extends the notion of symbolic units to the grammar of languages. Langacker further assumes that linguistic structures are motivated by general cognitive processes. In formulating his theory, he makes extensive use of principles of gestalt psychology and draws analogies between linguistic structure and aspects of visual perception.






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