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Moon festival

已有 809 次阅读2007-9-25 17:24 |个人分类:ひみこ

In fact tonight we will have three choices. But I think I should cancel all the dinners. I am not in the mood.

I also have no idea for the reason. Maybe the festival makes me sadder and sadder. TerribleI dislike all the festivals

Of course it means when I am out. Fly in the sky with wind. Maybe firstly I enjoy the feeling and with the time passing I become to feel tired. And it is so tired. Hehe

Need to stop and say something happy. Today I got a moon cake. And this is surprised to me. I sent a funny message to say thanks. Funnier thing is that I was asked who I am.

How funny it is! Nothing we should go back and have a good rest without any dinner. The person is more important than the dinner.






发表评论 评论 (5 个评论)

回复 snowinfall 2007-9-26 08:21
May I ask a question?why do u write the blog in English?Love English?practise it not to be neglected? ~just curious~ :P
回复 Himiko 2007-9-26 11:43
Yeah! Just to improve myself. In fact I have three Blog places. And this for English and others are for Chinese and Japanese. I would like to put things in to the wrong place. Such as this is in English and on MSN is in Japanese. Maybe that means I am worried about the deferent advices.hehe
回复 yuki2830 2007-9-30 23:04
Oh, you should believe that life may have some different surprises. Life can't be satisfactory all the time,but life is good. Isn't it? Take it easy!
回复 himiko8209 2007-10-1 22:17
hehe yeah! I do hope so
回复 holydragon601 2007-10-20 02:40
i also got a mooncake on that day. but i keep it without eating until last night. it is a very sweet cake because it came from my dream lover.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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