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已有 3310 次阅读2008-2-2 14:32

TIOBE Programming Community Index for January 2008

January Headline: TIOBE declares Python as programming language of 2007!

The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and YouTube are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.

Jan 2008
Jan 2007
Delta in PositionProgramming LanguageRatings
Jan 2008
Jan 2007
1 1 Java 20.849% +1.69%   A
2 2 C 13.916% -1.89%   A
3 4 (Visual) Basic 10.963% +1.84%   A
4 5 PHP 9.195% +1.25%   A
5 3 C++ 8.730% -1.70%   A
6 8 Python 5.538% +2.04%   A
7 6 Perl 5.247% -0.99%   A
8 7 C# 4.856% +1.34%   A
9 12 Delphi 3.335% +1.00%   A
10 9 JavaScript 3.203% +0.36%   A
11 10 Ruby 2.345% -0.17%   A
12 13 PL/SQL 1.230% -0.34%   A
13 11 SAS 1.204% -1.14%   A
14 14 D 1.172% -0.16%   A
15 18 COBOL 0.932% +0.30%   A
16 46 Lua 0.579% +0.48%   A--
17 22 FoxPro/xBase 0.506% +0.05%   B
18 19 Pascal 0.456% -0.11%   B
19 16 Lisp/Scheme 0.413% -0.26%   A--
20 27 Logo 0.386% +0.07%   B

Long term trends

The long term trends for the first 10 programming languages can be found in the line diagram below.

Other programming languages

The complete top 50 of programming languages is listed below. This overview is published unofficially, because it could be the case that we missed a language. If you have the impression there is a programming language lacking, please notify us at tpci@tiobe.com.

PositionProgramming LanguageRatings
21 ColdFusion 0.353%
22 ActionScript 0.342%
23 Ada 0.337%
24 Fortran 0.305%
25 RPG 0.251%
26 MATLAB 0.241%
27 Awk 0.213%
28 Prolog 0.212%
29 ABAP 0.195%
30 LabView 0.169%
31 Groovy 0.168%
32 Transact-SQL 0.155%
33 Smalltalk 0.133%
34 Bash 0.133%
35 Tcl/Tk 0.130%
36 Haskell 0.119%
37 Forth 0.116%
38 CL (OS/400) 0.114%
39 Natural 0.105%
40 ML 0.092%
41 Focus 0.091%
42 Ch 0.088%
43 PL/I 0.088%
44 Lingo 0.087%
45 Factor 0.084%
46 REXX 0.075%
47 Objective-C 0.071%
48 IDL 0.059%
49 Erlang 0.057%
50 VBScript 0.056%

The Next 50 Programming Languages

The following list of languages denotes #51 to #100. Since the differences are relatively small, the programming languages are only listed (in alphabetical order).

  • ABC, Algol, Alpha, APL, Applescript, AspectJ, Beta, Boo, Caml, cg, Clean, Csh, cT, Curl, DC, Dylan, Eiffel, Euphoria, F#, Felix, Icon, Inform, Io, Limbo, MAD, Magic, Maple, Mathematica, Modula-2, MOO, MUMPS, Oberon, Occam, Oz, Pike, PILOT, Postscript, Powerbuilder, PowerShell, Progress, Q, R, REALbasic, Rebol, S-lang, Scala, SIGNAL, SPSS, VHDL, XSLT

January Newsflash - Brought to you by Paul Jansen

  • Python has been declared as programming language of 2007. It was a close finish, but in the end Python appeared to have the largest increase in ratings in one year time (2.04%). There is no clear reason why Python made this huge jump in 2007. Last month Python surpassed Perl for the first time in history, which is an indication that Python has become the "de facto" glue language at system level. It is especially beloved by system administrators and build managers. Chances are high that Python's star will rise further in 2008, thanks to the upcoming release of Python 3.

  • A couple of interesting trends can be derived from the 2007 data. First of all, languages without automated garbage collection are losing ground rapidly. The most prominent examples of languages with explicit memory management, C and C++, both lost about 2% in one year. Another trend is that the battle between scripting languages seems to be going on in the background. There is a continuous flow of new scripting languages. In 2006, Ruby entered the main scene, followed this year by Lua. In the top 50, Groovy and Factor are new kids on the block. None of these new scripting languages seem to stay permanently, they are just replaced by successors.

  • What were the big movers and shakers in 2007? The big winners are Lua (from 46 to 16), Groovy (from 66 to 31), Focus (from 78 to 41), and Factor (new at 45). The most prominent shakers are ABAP (from 15 to 29) and IDL (from 23 to 48).

  • What is to be expected in 2008? And, what became of the forecasts for 2007? At the beginning of 2007, I thought C# and D would become the winners and Perl and Delphi the losers. C# was indeed one of the big winners, and Perl one of the big losers. But the forecasts for D and Delphi were completely wrong. There has been no breakthrough for D. On the other hand, Delphi reclaimed a top 10 position... What about 2008? C, C++ and Perl will continue to fall. C and C++ because they have no automated garbage collection. C++ will get an extra push down because Microsoft is not actively supporting the language anymore. Perl is just dead. Java and C# will eventually be the 2 most popular languages. So I expect them to rise further in 2008. What new languages will enter the top 20 in 2008 is a wild guess, but I think ActionScript. and Groovy are really serious candidates.

  • Nguyen Quang Chien suggested to rename the OCaml entry to Caml. This has been done. Thanks Nguyen!

  • In the tables below some long term trends are listed about categories of languages. The tables show that dynamically typed object-oriented languages are still becoming more popular.

    Category Ratings January 2008 Delta January 2007
    Object-Oriented Languages 56.1% +4.0%
    Procedural Languages 40.9% -3.6%
    Functional Languages 1.9% +0.2%
    Logical Languages 1.1% -0.6%

    Category Ratings January 2008 Delta January 2007
    Statically Typed Languages 56.2% -1.5%
    Dynamically Typed Languages 43.8% +1.5%

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What definition of programming languages has been used?

    A: A language is considered a programming language if it is Turing complete. As a consequence, HTML and XML are not considered programming languages. This also holds for data query language SQL. SQL is not a programming language because it is, for instance, impossible to write an infinite loop in it. On the other hand, SQL extensions PL/SQL and Transact-SQL are programming languages. ASP and ASP.NET are also not programming languages because they make use of other languages such as JavaScript. and VBScript. or .NET compatible languages. The same is true for frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Cocoa, and AJAX. Finally, we have also excluded assembly languages, although Turing complete, because they have a very different nature.

  • Q: How are dialects of languages grouped?

    A: Some languages are grouped together because they are very similar to each other. An example is the language entry Basic which covers Visual Basic, QBasic, Microsoft Basic, etc. VB.NET has been added as well to the Visual Basic entry because it is often referred to as Visual Basic. The ratings for a collection of languages is calculated by taking the maximum of all individual entries (not its sum!).

  • Q: Am I allowed to show the TIOBE index in my weblog/presentation/publication?

    A: This is OK provided that you refer to its original source: www.tiobe.com.

  • Q: I would like to have the complete data set of the TIOBE index. Is this possible?

    A: We spent a lot of effort to obtain all the data and keep the TIOBE index up to date. In order to compensate a bit for this, we ask a fee of 1,500 US$ for the complete data set. This might seem a lot of money but it is considered strategic data. The data set runs from June 2001 till today. It started with 25 languages back in 2001, and now measures more than 150 languages at least 10 times per month. The data are availabe in comma separated format. Part of the deal is that new data will be send to you for 1 extra year. Please contact sales@tiobe.com for more information.

  • Q: What happened to Java in April 2004? Did you change your methodology?

    A: No, we did not change our methodology at that time. Google changed its methodology. They performed a general sweep action to get rid of all kinds of web sites that had been pushed up. As a consequence, there was a huge drop for languages such as Java and C++. In order to minimize such fluctuations in the future, we added two more search engines (MSN and Yahoo) a few months after this incident.

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