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[天声人语] 天声人语 20140219 获奖与否无关紧要

发表于 2014-2-19 14:40:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
天声人语 20140219 获奖与否无关紧要
VOX POPULI: Rigged or real, art awards have little meaning

Ryokuu Saito (1868-1904), a critic with a sharp tongue known for satirizing the Meiji Era (1868-1912) and its people, once said: “I wish to tell painters and calligraphers that the people who pay money for your works are very nice people indeed. But most of them don’t understand what they’re buying.” In short, he said that most people collect art without knowing whether it is good or bad.

The scalding remark must have been aimed at the nouveau riche who were eager to show off their newly acquired art works, but the observation holds true through all ages and cultures. When paintings carry the names of famous artists, their prices soar. People tend to place a high value on calligraphy that they cannot even read when the box that contains it carries a note of authentication.

话虽如此,这种情况到底无法一笑置之。在艺术作品的鉴赏方面,普罗大众对权威人士都有弱势心理。各种 “奖项”就是其中的小花招之一。对此类咄咄怪事虽也有所耳闻,但个中实情能荒唐至此,令人瞠目结舌。
But who are we to make fun of such people? It is sad but true that when we deal with art, we tend to have a weak spot for authority. One of the props that add prestige to art must be an “award”. From time to time, we hear dubious stories, but I was appalled when I learned about Zennitten, a calligraphy art exhibition open to the public in which many winners of prefectural governor awards were reportedly fictional.

The works were prepared by the organizers of the exhibit and were given the awards under false names. Apparently, it was an attempt to give prestige to the organization hosting the event rather than the works.

In addition to prefectural governor awards, one of the selling points of the exhibition was the large number of awards, including one presented under the name of the prime minister. By doling out awards, did the organizers think “fine feathers would make fine birds”? As was the case with the rigging of award winners of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition organized by Nitten that came to light last fall, the “award business” is out of control.

Referring to paintings, writer Takeshi Kaiko (1930-1989) wrote: “The first glance decides whether a work is moving or not.” In other words, ones that fail to capture the viewer at first glance are mediocre, according to Kaiko. The way he relied solely on his sensitivity rather than knowledge and authority is frank and open-minded just like Kaiko himself. Who cares about the meaning of awards?





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发表于 2014-2-20 14:54:01 | 显示全部楼层
虽然很不服气  但是日本韩国 台湾 在保留中国传统文化方面的确比国内做的好
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